With only the autopsy report and a few simple questions, the murderer can be analyzed so thoroughly.

No wonder the cases that had been handled by the other party in the past were solved so quickly.

It's like opening the perspective of God, incredible.

Fang Ze turned his head, looked at a female police officer in the office, and said, "Check which hospital in Central South is the most authoritative in terms of blood diseases."

"Squad wait a moment."

The female police officer operates on the computer.

Five minutes later, she looked up and said, "Fang team, I found it."

"Central South International Hospital."


Fang Ze raised his brows and nodded, "Okay."

"Team Tai, let's go here."

"The rest, go to other hospitals to investigate."

"Be careful and don't miss anything."


Everyone got up and took orders.

For a time, the entire Zhongnan Municipal Bureau moved.

The lines stretched out, covering the major hospitals.

As long as this person is found, then his residence will not be a secret.

To see the underlined version of the novel, please download Fei Lu's novel

Chapter 379 Seeing Jiang Xiaoqi Again [1]

Half an hour later, Zhongnan International Hospital.

Fang Ze and Tai Wei got off the car and walked quickly towards the hospital lobby.

At this time, an ambulance was parked at the door, as if it had just picked up a patient.

The stretcher was taken out of the car and quickly pushed to the emergency room.

"Little Li, give the patient a gastric lavage immediately!"

It was Jiang Xiaoqi who spoke.

"Okay Director Jiang."

Standing on the spot, Jiang Xiaoqi took a deep breath and shook her head helplessly.

These young people really don't cherish their own lives.

She turned her head at will, just in time to see Fang Ze coming.

"Fang Ze"


Fang Ze smiled.

They just met a few days ago and had a meal.

Saying that, Fang Ze stepped forward to Jiang Xiaoqi.

"How did you come"

"Who is sick?"

Jiang Xiaoqi glanced at Tai Wei, and then set his eyes on Fang Ze.

Fang Ze said with a smile: "No, no, I have official business."


Jiang Xiaoqi nodded.

Fang Ze smiled and said, "Look at your helpless look, what happened to the patient just now?"

"It's suicide"


Jiang Xiaoqi blinked and said with a smile, "Captain Fang is Captain Fang, and I can't hide anything from you."

Jiang Xiaoqi has long been accustomed to Fang Ze's... heaven-defying thinking power.

So not surprised.

"Ha ha."

Fang Ze laughed out loud and said, "Just take a guess, take a guess."

Jiang Xiaoqi said, "Then guess what she committed suicide for."

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