So it is necessary to be careful.

A dozen pistols were aimed at the door at the same time.

Fang Ze stood in the back with a calm expression.

There is even time to take out a cigarette and light it.

He didn't intervene, silently watching the arresting action of the Zhongnan police.

Tai Wei stood at the door and made a gesture to the detective next to him.

The other party nodded solemnly, after taking a deep breath, he suddenly got up and kicked the iron gate.

Bang! This kick is very strong, and the quality of the door is not good.

Therefore, the iron gate was kicked in an instant. Tai Wei rushed in first, and the rest of the detectives followed.

Fang Ze let out a breath of smoke and swallowed it slowly.

The room was messy and empty.

People really aren't there.

"Keep people on guard outside!"

"Prevent Feng Kai from coming back suddenly!"

Tai Wei didn't let his guard down, he took a pistol and searched a little bit.

Including the boxes and cabinets that may be hiding people, I checked them very confidently.

After confirming that no one was really there, Tai Wei took a deep breath and put away his pistol.

His brows furrowed tightly.

"Search carefully! Don't miss any clues you can!"

Tai Wei gave the order.


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Everyone took orders and spread out.

A carpet search began for this little house.

Tai Wei turned around, looked at Fang Ze who walked in, and said, "I won't go to work, right?"

Fang Ze looked at the environment and said, "Don't the data show that you are temporarily unemployed?"

"It is."

Tai Wei nodded.

Fang Ze walked to the desk and picked up a photo frame on it.

In the photo, there is a middle-aged man and a boy.

Much like father and son.

Tai Wei came over, looked at the photo in Fang Ze's hand, and said, "Who is this?"

Fang Ze said, "Feng Kai."

"The boy is Feng Kai"

Tai Wei glanced at Fang Ze in surprise, and said, "How do you see it?"

Fang Ze smiled and did not answer the question.

It is not particularly difficult for a person to infer what he will look like when he grows up from his childhood.

Although there are errors, the bones and facial features will not change much.

unless cosmetic surgery.

It's Feng Kai in the photo.

"It seems that Feng Kai's father also suffers from a blood disease like Feng Kai."

Tai Wei stared at the photo and nodded slightly.

It can be seen that although the middle-aged man in the photo is smiling, his face is pale and very obvious.

It's like being seriously injured and losing too much blood.

This is basically consistent with Feng Kai's clinical symptoms.

Fang Ze said: "It seems that Feng Kai witnessed his father's death with his own eyes."

"That kind of... helplessness is still terrifying."

"He didn't want to die, he didn't want to wait for death like his father did."

"His psychology should have gradually begun to distort after his father's death."

Hearing this, Tai Wei took a deep breath.

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