From a certain point of view, Feng Kai can be regarded as a poor person.

The injustice of fate made him rebel.

But the way to resist is to cruelly take away the lives of others.

"Team Tai."

A criminal policeman came over and said, "I found the medical records. Feng Kai has indeed been to Zhongnan International Hospital."


Tai Wei nodded.

This is not an important clue.

"and this."

The detective held up the evidence bag in his hand.

Inside, there are a few hairs.

"Found on the bed."

Tai Wei waved his hand and said, "Bring it back to the bureau immediately for testing.

Compare that to the crime scene."


So far, all doubts about Feng Kai are speculations.

It can only be said that Feng Kai has a major possibility of committing crimes.

Evidence is temporarily unavailable.

And testing will be the strongest evidence.

"This is the real dwelling."

Fang Ze looked at the environment in the room.

It can be said to be very rudimentary.

Feng Kai's living conditions are still very poor.

This may also be one of the reasons for Feng Kai's anti-social personality.

At this moment, Tai Wei's phone suddenly rang.

Fang Ze subconsciously turned his head to look, his brows furrowed.

Did you really guess "Hello"?

"What did you say!"

"Okay, block the scene,,, I'll go over immediately!!"

After hanging up the phone, Tai Wei looked at Fang Ze and said solemnly: "Fang team, the third deceased has appeared."


Fang Ze's eyes narrowed, and he couldn't help shaking his hands.

This guy please read the underlined version of the novel

Chapter 383 Can it be saved? 【3】

after an hour.

a certain neighborhood.

The police have cordoned off the unit building.

Many owners stood in the distance and looked around, wondering what was going on.

inside the room.

Everyone looked at the girl's body lying in the corner and fell into a long silence.

At the moment, only the forensic doctor and the trace specialist are busy.

The blood on the ground was shocking.

There was a deep wound on the girl's neck.

It wasn't bitten open, it was sliced ​​open by someone with a sharp tool.

The deceased's mother fainted long ago and has been taken to the hospital.

The informant is a neighbor of the house.

When I got home, I found the door was wide open, and after shouting a few words, there was no response, so I walked in to check the situation.

I didn't expect such a tragedy to happen.

The neighbors were also very frightened, and went home to rest in shock.

Tai Wei's face was very ugly.

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