The worrying thing still happened.

In the end, they were one step too late.

It is estimated that when they found Zhongnan International Hospital, the murderer began to prepare to do it.

Fang Mu seemed to be a little unwell, standing in the distance and wearing rough clothes.

I don't know if it's because I have too little experience, or because I have a bad reaction to the corpse.

As for Fang Ze, he stared at the corpse for a while, his eyes becoming a little dangerous.

"This bastard!!"

It was Tai Wei who spoke.

If he wasn't there, he really wanted to vent the anger in his heart.

The murderer is simply inhuman! Fang Ze looked at it for a while, then looked away.

His eyes returned to their usual calm.

"Give me the gloves."

The detective next to Fang Zechong stretched out his right hand.

"Here, Fang team."

After putting on gloves, Fang Ze came to a nearby table and slowly picked up the transparent glass above.

Tai Wei also came over.

Inside the glass is a bright red liquid mixed with milky white.

"what is this"

Tai Wei opened his mouth in doubt.

Fang Ze did not speak, but pointed to the milk carton on the other side.

The box has been opened.

There were also traces of milk scattered on the ground.

Tai Wei glanced at the milk carton and then at the glass.

His face immediately condensed.

"The murderer mixed the blood of the dead with milk"

"Get ready to drink!"

His voice was so loud that all the detectives in the room could hear him.

Including the working forensic doctor, also looked over.

Seeing the red and white liquid in Fang Ze's hands, many people had goosebumps all over their bodies.

This guy is too perverted! Tai Wei subconsciously looked at Fang Ze.

Fang Ze said before that the murderer has growth potential.

He will not be satisfied with drinking human blood, and will choose a tempting way to drink blood over time.

Mixing milk or drink with blood is Fang Ze's original words.

Unexpectedly, it only took two or three hours, and it was completely fulfilled.

"Square Team"

Tai Wei opened his mouth.

Fang Ze stretched out his hand to signal the other party not to speak.

Seeing that the other party was thinking, Tai Wei suppressed the problem in his heart without disturbing him.

Fang Ze's eyes were fixed on the transparent glass in his hand.

Time, little by little.

On the other hand, the forensic identification results have come out.

"Team Tai."

Tai Wei turned his head and said, "Speak."

The forensic doctor said: "The time of death was about three hours, and there was only one fatal injury on the body, which was a stab wound on the neck."

"according to

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The blood volume speculates that the murderer did not drink a lot of blood this time."


Having said that, she stopped talking.

"like what"

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