After receiving the affirmation, everyone was even more excited, and someone hurriedly continued to ask: "I see that Teacher Fang has notified the class, and the case has been solved."

Fang Mu nodded again: "Broken."

"really broken"

"It only took a day"

Fang Mu said: "To be precise, it only took an hour to lock the direction, and another hour to find the murderer."

"Two hours in total."

The people around took a breath.

Awesome! "Fang Mu, is the case simple?"

someone asked.

Fang Mu shook his head: "It's not easy, Teacher Fang is very powerful, especially powerful."

"It's the first time I've seen someone who can apply criminal psychology to this level."

"I'm sorry, but I can't tell you the specific details of the case."

"You better ask the teacher yourself."

After hearing Fang Mu's comments, more people gathered around.

In my heart, there was a strong curiosity that could not be restrained.

What kind of case is it?

-->>This chapter is not over, click on the next page to continue reading

Wood gave such a high evaluation to the teacher.

It seems that if it is square wood, it should not be broken.

But Fang Ze, it only took two hours.

The gap in between is not that big.

"I hope Teacher Fang can talk about this case in detail in this class."

Fang Mu glanced at the person who was speaking and said, "I don't think there is much hope."

"This is a case that the city bureau has just solved, and it is highly confidential."

"Even if it's a police academy, it shouldn't be made public."

Hearing this, many people were a little disappointed.

"That's it"

"That's a pity."

During the chat, it's [-]:[-]. ::.

Fang Ze appeared at the door of the classroom.

"The teacher is here!"

"Hurry up and go"

After seeing Fang Ze, everyone quickly dispersed and returned to their seats.

Fang Ze came to the podium and glanced at the classroom.

Students are still those students.

Neither increase nor decrease.

Putting it on the computer, Ze said: "Everyone, be quiet, we have started class."

This class focuses on theoretical knowledge.

The case cited is a relatively simple criminal case.

To the disappointment of many students, Fang Ze did not mention yesterday's case.

There seems to be no explanation.

The students did not take the initiative to ask.

This is not a simple matter, it involves the city bureau, and the impact is relatively large.

They can also understand.

Outside the classroom, Li Ruisi arrived at some unknown time, waiting for Fang Ze to finish class.

Today is Friday.

He remembered it clearly.

After this class is over, Fang Ze will not have class for several days.

Time is free.

That's the beauty of a teacher's job.

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