There are many things to do when you are tired.

When I am free, I am really free.

Although the salary is not high, it is more suitable for women and the time is loose.

No wonder female teachers are so popular in the dating circles in second- and third-tier cities.

At eleven o'clock in the morning, the class ended.

Fang Ze opened the door of the classroom.

After seeing Li Ruisi, he was not surprised.

Because the two talked yesterday.

"Old Fang."

Li Ruisi came over.

Fang Ze patted the chalk on his hands and said, "It's another weekend."


Li Ruisi smiled and said, "You have been living a tense life for too long, and your brain can't stand it anymore."

"Come with me and have a meal."

Fang Ze said strangely, "What kind of meal?"

Li Ruisi said, "There's a great new western restaurant on Temple Street. I'll take you to try it."

“Western Restaurant”

Fang Ze said: "You can't drive it, right?"

"no no."

Li Ruisi waved his hand quickly: "Not this time, I've heard about the boss, but I don't know him."

"Petty-capital enterprises are far from our Li family."

"There is a specialization in the art industry, and their restaurant has always been very good."

"Would you go?"

Fang Ze said indifferently, "Let's go then."

"It seems like I haven't had western food for a long time."

Hearing this, Li Ruisi pulled Fang Ze and said, "Then let's go, the seat is already reserved."

Feilu reminds you: reading three things

Chapter 390 Moda Restaurant [2]


2pm: [-]:.

Zhongnan Temple Street.

It is no exaggeration to say that this should be the busiest and most prosperous commercial street in Central South.

The address is located in Dongcheng District, Zhongnan. The total length of the street is more than [-] meters, and it is divided into four sections.

When it comes to the pedestrian street in Zhongnan, no matter what

Whether it is a local or a foreigner, the first thing that comes to mind is this place.

At this moment, Fang Ze and Li Ruisi were sitting by the window in the newly opened Morda Western Restaurant, looking at the menu.

Next to it, stood a pure-looking waitress.

She had a smile on her face all the time, and her posture was also very particular, not far or near.

All in all, it gives guests a very comfortable feeling.

Should be professionally trained.

It seems that the owner of this restaurant pays great attention to detail and service.

Fang Ze flipped through the menu and sighed inwardly at the price here.

It's not too exaggerated.

However, the average wage-earners would not choose to come here to consume just a few pieces of pre-dinner buns, which cost [-] yuan.

A piece of veal tenderloin costs [-] yuan.

The price of bread and beef is one price, and Fang Ze doesn't know how the boss sets the price.

Maybe he seldom comes to this kind of place to eat, he doesn't really understand.

There is also abalone and lobster, also one thousand two hundred and eighty-eight,.

Is this number auspicious? Li Ruisi is used to it and doesn't think there is a problem with the price.

"Old Fang, order some food."

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