"But I still have to add that there is a high probability that it was an accident."

He must give Li Xingchao a vaccination.

Regardless of

What the identity of the other party is, this must be told to the other party.

Li Xingchao nodded: "Okay, I'm mentally prepared."

"Wait for your results."

"how long"

Fang Ze pondered for a while and said, "Tomorrow."



"So fast"

Li Xingchao originally wanted to compress it.

Who knows that the other party directly gave a time far below the bottom line.

Murong Yun also looked at Fang Ze in surprise.

Other than that, in terms of self-confidence, I really have confidence.

Zhou Lao was not surprised by this.

Because he understands Fang Ze's abilities.

In a day, either find out, or find nothing at all.

If you can't find it in a day, it's useless.

This is how Fang Ze handled the case.


Fang Ze nodded.

Li Xingchao glanced at Fang Ze and said, "The future generations are terrifying."

"Okay, here tomorrow, I'll wait for your news."


Fang Ze got up and said, "Old Zhou, Mr. Li, then I'll go first."

The two nodded.

Fang Ze took the documents and quickly left here.

Come fast, go fast.

In the room, Elder Zhou picked up the teacup and smiled slightly.

"Xingchao, his results are almost the truth."

"I hope that when the time comes, you won't be entangled in this matter."

Li Xingchao nodded quietly

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Chapter 399 Came to the scene [2]

Fang Ze stood at the gate of the community, probably flipping through the documents.

After a while, he closed the document, looked left and right, was about to take a taxi to leave, and rushed to the scene.

That is the place to go.

At this moment, a black BMW came at a gallop and stopped in front of him.

It's Li Ruisi's car.


Fang Ze was stunned.

Li Ruisi rolled down the window and said, "Get in the car and get in the car."

Seeing this, Fang Ze walked to the other side, opened the car door and sat up.

"Aren't you going back?"

Fang Ze fastened his seat belt and turned his head to ask.

Li Ruisi said, "How can I still sit still?"

"What's the meaning"

Fang Ze was puzzled.

Li Ruisi said: "I called my dad just now and know who you are going to see."

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