
Li Ruisi whispered: "Who is Li?"

Fang Ze nodded: "Yes, the news is quite accurate."

"It's really him!"

Li Ruisi's face froze, and he said, "What is he looking for from you?"

Fang Ze didn't answer.

Li Ruisi said, "You don't understand me yet, I'm sure I won't tell you."

"I'm not stupid."

Fang Ze thought about it and said, "Does Li Chenxuan know?"

"I know."

Li Ruisi nodded.

"One of the most powerful second-generation officials in Zhongnan City."

Fang Ze was not surprised.

From Li Ruisi's social circle, I know that Li Chenxuan is a normal person.


"What did you say!!"

Li Ruisi's face changed dramatically.

"dead dead"

"how to die"

This is no small matter.

If placed in ancient times, this is not much different from the nature of a dead prince.

If the people in the circle knew about this, it wouldn't blow up.

Fang Ze shook his head and said, "I don't know, I need to check."

Li Ruisi nodded.


This question is a bit silly.

If you know how he died, do you still need to call Fang Ze here?

Li Ruisi said, "Has he set a deadline?"

Fang Ze said: "Not sure, I will give the results tomorrow."


Li Ruisi said in surprise: "I said Lao Fang, the identity of the deceased is different this time, don't you leave some way out for yourself?"

"A day is too short"

Fang Ze said: "It's not short, this case is not a complicated one, and the span is very small."

"One day is enough to produce results."

"It's not a matter of time."

Hearing this, Li Ruisi nodded.

He understood what Fang Ze meant.

A person with strong ability, one day is enough.

People with poor ability are useless for a year.

Fang Ze continued: "Actually, it's similar to Yu."

"The procedures of autopsy, traces, and evidence search are omitted, and the time can be compressed a lot."

"Chen Shaoyu"

Li Ruisi said in surprise: "Li Chenxuan was also killed by a falling object."

Fang Ze said: "It's similar, it was killed by a falling billboard."

"That's it"

Li Ruisi nodded and said, "What happened recently?"

"Old people die because of accidents"

"Then how to check."

"Lao Fang, if it's really an accident, he won't embarrass you right?"

Fang Ze gave Li Ruisi a strange look and said, "Why are you embarrassing me?"

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