Li Ruisi said: "Because"

"Forget it, Elder Zhou is there anyway."

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"No problem."

"where to go now"

Fang Ze raised his brows: "You go too"

Li Ruisi nodded: "I want to be with you on such a big thing."

"Please please."

he pleaded.

Fang Ze was helpless: "Okay."

"Go to Huazhong Street."


Hearing this, Li Ruisi stepped on the accelerator.

With the roar of the engine, the black BMW galloped away.

after an hour.

It is now three thirty in the afternoon.

It was working hours, and there were not many vehicles and pedestrians on the road.

Li Ruisi parked the car directly on the side of the road, regardless of whether there was illegal parking nearby to take pictures.

Fang Ze got off the car and looked not far ahead.

It's almost cleaned up there.

After all it happened a few days ago.

Accidental scene,,,, do not need protection.

Over time, there will be discussions on the Internet.

The billboard is still there: It's just that the newly planted tree has been straightened.

It is tied with rope and reinforced.

The relevant units are expected to be punished.

The speed of the car is not fast, and it hit the city trees so easily, it only shows that it is not strong.

This cannot be refuted.

What's more, it's not just ordinary people who died.

And the billboard Fang Ze took a few steps forward.

Behind him, Li Ruisi followed closely.

"Is that..."

Li Ruisi said.

Fang Ze nodded, his eyes narrowed slightly.

In fact, the billboard that hit Li Chenxuan was not knocked down by a tree.

But because of another billboard next to it.

These two billboards must be some years old, and they are connected to each other with iron wire.

Perhaps because of the corrosion of the rain all the year round, the iron wire that was originally strong has become very fragile.

As long as it is subjected to a little external force, it will break.

This is also the main reason why billboards fall off.

And Li Chenxuan, who happened to be passing by here, was hit directly in the head by the falling billboard.

Died on the spot.

This place is already close to the suburbs, far from the city center.

The thought of what Li Chenxuan was doing here just flashed in Fang Ze's mind, but he didn't think much about it.

This is not the main problem.

Li Chenxuan's death should have nothing to do with this matter.

Regardless of

What is his purpose, the focus is on Li Chenxuan, why he happened to pass by that point.

From the survey data, as long as Li Chenxuan was one second earlier, or one second later, accidents could be avoided.

But it happened to be this second that ruined his life.

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