Li Ruisi came over and said, "What did you think of?"

Fang Ze didn't speak, just stared straight ahead.

He is thinking.

Li Ruisi was accustomed to Fang Ze, who fell into contemplation anytime and anywhere, and stood by and waited quietly.

After a long time, Fang Ze said, "People's safety awareness is very high now."

"The woman suddenly ran out, completely ignoring the passing vehicles, why?"

While muttering to himself, Fang Ze opened the document in his hand.

He turned to this page.

The above says: The woman, originally walking the dog, but her dog suddenly ran to the road, the woman who was worried about the safety of the dog, chased after him without hesitation.

The dog vehicle lost control because of the woman.

Woman, run to the road because of the dog.

Then the incentive is the pet dog.

Also normal.

Although dogs are relatively intelligent animals, they are still very different from humans.

When you go out, it is common to run around everywhere.

The angle Fang Ze turned his head and looked at the advertising column.

The driver turned the steering wheel and the vehicle turned left about [-] degrees.

Sixty degrees, just the position of the advertising column.

The vehicle is slower, faster, and you can avoid it.

Women, slow down, hurry up, and you can avoid it.

Coincidence indeed.

But some things are like this, and if you analyze them afterwards, you will find it very coincidental.

Accidents are actually coincidences.


Fang Ze shook his head slightly and sighed.

Even if he forcibly characterizes seemingly normal things as doubtful.

But facts are facts.

Accident is an accident.

No matter how you check it, it won't change the result.

Seeing Fang Ze's appearance, Li Ruisi, the other party probably didn't get any show.

"Old Fang."

"Why don't you just come here.

"I guess whoever comes to check is an accident."

"Accidentally what to check"

Fang Ze shook his head and said, "Not yet, two things have to be done."

"What's up"

Li Ruisi asked.

Fang Ze said: "First, go and talk to Chang Yongde."

"Second, I want to see the full surveillance video of the incident."

"After these two things are done, if there is no result, it is [-]% accidental."

Since he temporarily characterized the case as homicide, the process that should be followed cannot be omitted.

Many wrongful convictions are due to subjective omissions.

Since he took over the case, of course there must be a beginning

-->>This chapter is not over, click on the next page to continue reading


Hearing this, Li Ruisi said strangely: "It's not [-]% now"

Fang Ze smiled helplessly and said, "I can only say [-] percent.




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