"Ninety-nine.[-] percent.




Li Ruisi was speechless, "What's the difference between that and [-]%?"

Fang Ze did not speak.

Regardless of this case, many small-probability events are still possible.

There are days outside the sky, and there are people outside the people.

Fang Ze absolutely believes that there are perfect crimes in this world.

It's just that he never met.

This is a false proposition, or a paradox.

If there is a perfect crime or not, is there a record? If there is a record, it means that it has been discovered.

A crime that is discovered cannot be said to be perfect.

Does it not exist? How can it be said that something that has not been discovered does not exist, so this matter cannot be said on the bright side, it is contradictory.

Just think about it.

"Rui Si, do you have a computer in your car?"

Fang Ze asked.

Li Ruisi nodded and said, "Of course, there is a laptop that I use for work."

Fang Ze said, "Can you lend me a loan?"

Li Ruisi smiled and said, "There's nothing wrong with that."

"Just what do you do with your laptop"

Fang Ze said: "I'm going to the traffic police brigade to copy the surveillance video of the previous hour."

"Go to Chang Yongde with the surveillance video, and ask while watching."

Li Ruisi wondered: "What kind of way is this,"

"Okay, let's go."

He would not ask Fang Ze for details.

The other party has his own reasons for doing things.

In criminal investigation and solving cases, he will not play a big knife in front of Guan Gong.

The two quickly got into the car and rushed towards the traffic police brigade.

Inside the car, Fang Ze took out a card from behind the document.

This is an identity card.

With this business card, he can have unimpeded access to all units in Zhongnan.

No one would dare to deliberately make trouble.

Li Xingchao was very thoughtful in his work.

This is equivalent to giving Fang Ze a lot of power.

Fang Ze knew that the reason why the other party trusted so much should be because of Elder Zhou.

"what did you take"

Li Ruisi asked while driving.

Fang Ze said: "Mr. Li gave it, it's easy to act."


Li Ruisi asked curiously, "Is it a temporary status? Which unit?"

Fang Ze chuckled: "The... unit that is side by side with the military."

Hearing this, Li Ruisi's eyes narrowed.

He didn't say much.

Since it was something Li Xingchao explained, it is understandable.

Soon, the traffic police team arrived.

Li Ruisi did not get out of the car and waited quietly.

Half an hour later, Fang Ze walked out with his laptop.

The surveillance video copy went smoothly.

Fang Ze got into the car and fastened his seat belt, and said, "Go to Mingyuan Community."

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