"it is good."

Li Ruisi nodded.

The car drove away from the traffic police brigade.

Fang Ze glanced at the laptop in his hand.

If you can't get any useful information from Chang Yongde's mouth, the surveillance video is no problem.

That just means it was an accident.

Li Xingchao, it is estimated that he will be very disappointed.

But facts are facts.

The first principle of solving a case is to respect the facts

Feilu reminds you: reading three things

Chapter 402 Far-fetched doubts [3]

after an hour.

Mingyuan District.

A resident's door.

Fang Ze knocked on the door.


A middle-aged man's voice sounded inside.


There was silence for a while, and the sound of footsteps came from far to near.

The door opens.

In the sight is a man in pajamas.

His eyes were a little confused, and he didn't know if he had just slept.

Fang Ze glanced at the man.

This should be Chang Yongde.

Same as in the photo.

Chang Yongde looked at Fang Ze and Li Ruisi, expressionless, and said, "Please come in."

After speaking, he turned around and entered the living room.

"excuse me."

Although the other party's attitude was not very good, Fang Ze still said something politely.

Afterwards, he and Li Ruisi entered the room together and closed the door.


"Please sit down."

Chang Yongde took out the tea leaves from the drawer and prepared to make tea.

After Fang Ze saw it, he quickly said, "Mr. Chang, don't bother."

Chang Yongde didn't seem to hear or reply, and continued the movements in his hands.

Seeing this, Fang Ze was helpless and stopped talking.

The two sat down on the sofa:.

Fang Ze put the laptop on the coffee table and waited silently.

After a while, the tea was ready.

The tea is good, Fang Ze can smell the refreshing tea fragrance.

Chang Yongde poured tea for the two of them, sat down and said, "What's your name?"

Fang Ze smiled and said, "Hello, my surname is Fang, this is my colleague."


Chang Yongde nodded and said, "Officer Fang."

"Is it because of Li Chenxuan?"

No wait: Fang Ze opened his mouth, and Chang Yongde directly stated his purpose.

It seems that during this time, not many people came to inquire.

A normal person's life has been seriously affected, so it's no wonder that Chang Yongde looks a little listless.

There was also a hint of dissatisfaction.

That is dissatisfaction with the police.

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