Fang Ze originally wanted to talk to each other, but when he saw Chang Yongde straight to the point, he gave up.

He nodded and said, "Yes, it's because of Li Chenxuan's case."


Chang Yongde seemed to be a little sensitive and said, "This is a case"

"Isn't it a traffic accident"

Fang Ze realized that he had made a blunder, and apologized: "I'm sorry, Mr. Chang, it was a traffic accident."

Hearing this, Chang Yongde's face looked a little better.


These two words have risen to the point where they can touch his nerves.

no way.

When this happens, you can only consider yourself unlucky.

Fortunately, the police are more reasonable and arrest him without him.

Chang Yongde stretched out his hand and said, "You two, please use tea."


Out of courtesy, Fang Ze and Li Ruisi picked up the teacups and took a sip.

When Fang Ze put down the teacup, Chang Yongde said, "Officer Fang, if you have any questions, just ask."

"Anyway, I've already answered enough."

"Not bad this time."

Fang Ze nodded and said, "Then thank you Mr. Chang."

"Mr. Chang, when you were driving your vehicle past the accident site, did the woman suddenly appear without warning?"

Chang Yongde nodded and said, "At the time, there were no signs for me, but I learned later that there were signs."

Fang Ze said, "Is the omen the pet dog?"

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Chang Yongde nodded again and said, "The pet dog came out first, and the owner caught up after seeing it."

Fang Ze thought for a while and said, "What you said just now means nothing to you."

"Is it because you were in a state of distraction at the time, that's why you didn't see the dog."

"But, I saw people."

Referring to this matter, Chang Yongde's face was a little unnatural, but he still nodded: "Yes, that's what happened."

Fang Ze expressed his understanding.

That dog is a small dog.

The driver is in a state of distraction and it is difficult to see.

But a big living person is a very obvious target, and if it appears suddenly, even if you are distracted, you can notice it.

It's just a little late.

This caused the accident to happen.

At this moment, Fang Ze gave Li Ruisi a wink.

Li Ruisi understood and leaned over to open the laptop.

Fang Ze continued to ask: "Mr. Chang, did you work for a long time before this happened?"

Chang Yongde sighed: "Yes, to support a family, you must work hard to earn money1"

"I remember driving the car for five or six hours, right?"

Fang Ze said: "Wandering is because of exhaustion"


Chang Yongde nodded with a wry smile.

It's really a mistake that turns into eternal hatred.

If he had been driving seriously.

If he hadn't lost his mind at the time.

Where are there so many troubles later on? To put it bluntly, I still blame myself.

Can't blame others.

Asked here, Fang Ze had a strong hunch.

That's what happened, it's really a surprise.

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