That's the result, and it doesn't hurt at all.

As long as you don't implicate yourself, you're already lucky.

"That... am I alright?"

He asked a question.

He seems to be worried about whether he will be affected.

Fang Ze glanced at him and said, "As long as things are the same as you said, it will be fine."

"Don't think too much in the future. It's not your own. Is it really okay to keep it for yourself?"

Facing Fang Ze's accusation, the man smiled shyly and said, "What the police officer taught me is that next time I don't dare, I don't dare."

"Thank you for your cooperation, bye."

After speaking, Fang Ze turned around and left the store.

The man watched Fang Ze leave, raised his hand and touched the cold sweat on his forehead.

What is this.

I picked up a pen and made so many troubles.

If I had known this earlier, I might as well just hand it over to the police.

Fortunately, the other party did not have an outline.

Store door.

Fang Ze stood in front of the trash can, lost in thought.

"Rui Si, go to the car and get the computer."

Li Ruisi nodded: "Okay."

At this moment, Fang Ze had already felt something was wrong.

Although the process of the incident does not seem to be a problem on the surface, it is all coincidence, but there is a very important point.

An unexpected point.

That is, every event has a reason.

The billboard collapsed because of the taxi.

The taxi went out of control because of a woman.

The woman suddenly rushed to the road because of the pet dog.

The reason why pet dogs see food is because they have encountered their own kind.

In the end, the driver's distraction was due to the small-scale commotion on the right-hand sidewalk.

The reason for the commotion was because the shop owner collided with the bicycle.

The reason for hitting the bicycle was because Fang Ze glanced at the platinum pen in his hand.


Originally, as long as Fang Ze was sure that the store owner was fine, he could make this an accident.

Now with new circumstances, the direction of the investigation has changed again.

For the rest, just figure out how this pen came from.

If this platinum pen was accidentally dropped by a passerby.

Then, the direction will return to the original track again.

Accident is an accident.

If this platinum pen appeared very strange, Fang Ze's thinking stayed here and did not continue to think further.

That's all for later.

Soon, Li Ruisi came back.

Fang Ze took the computer and turned it on, and switched to the monitoring screen.

The goal is already clear.

Therefore, Fang Ze directly adjusted the time of the surveillance video to before the riot.

Slowly start going back.

The picture finally freezes on the person who throws out the trash.

Fang Ze had seen it on the monitor before, but he didn't care.

This time, he zoomed in on the picture and looked at it carefully.

It can be seen that the person who threw the garbage was a man wearing a gray thin trench coat.

He stood in front of the trash can for a few seconds.

When I left, the garbage bag in my hand was gone.

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