Everything is normal.

Fang Ze's eyes flickered, and he enlarged the trash can.

After the man left, there was an extra pen at the top of the curved surface, lying quietly on the trash can.

The balance point is very accurate, although it is a curved surface, it does not roll off.

The color of the trash can is bright white.

This is the same as the platinum pen.

Under the sunlight, if you don't look carefully, you can't see it at all

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Chapter 407 Butterfly Effect, Probability to Kill [2]

Fang Ze stared at the platinum pen on the trash can for a while, then slowly closed the computer.

The next moment, he looked down at the ground.

Under the steps of the trash can is the manhole cover.

He stepped down, raised his foot and stepped on it hard.

The manhole cover is active.

The collision caused by the heavy blow made the ground seem to start shaking.

If a car rolls over, the trembling of the steel manhole cover will definitely affect the trash can next to it.

Then the platinum pen on the top surface, falling off is to be expected.

Fang Ze stood there for a while, his thoughts turned at a high speed.

During this time, a faint look of surprise appeared on his face.

He has always been calm and rarely shows such an expression.

Seeing Fang Ze standing by the road without moving, Li Ruisi came over and said strangely, "What's the matter, have you found any problem?"

Fang Ze didn't answer the question and said, "Go, go to the taxi company."


Li Ruisi didn't know why.

Why suddenly go to the taxi company "Quick."

Saying that, Fang Ze took the lead in walking towards Li Ruisi's car.

Seeing that the other party was in a hurry, Li Ruisi didn't ask any further questions, and hurriedly followed.

The taxi company is not far from here, a ten-minute drive away.

After getting out of the car, Fang Ze didn't say a word, went straight to the person in charge, and showed his identity.

Since it was a police matter, of course the manager did not dare to neglect, and called the driver directly.

The driver was the one who drove past the trash can.

Male, about thirty years old.

My name is Li Zhi.

In the manager's office, Li Yi was breathing heavily, as if he was running over.

"what's wrong"

He was startled when he heard the police looking for him, so he rushed back as fast as possible.

What happened? Fang Ze turned on the computer, switched to the surveillance screen, and said bluntly, "Did you drive the car?"

Li Yi stretched his head to look, nodded and said, "Yes."

Fang Ze said: "Recall carefully, why did you overtake illegally at that time?"


Hear "Illegal"

Two words, Li Yi's face was a little unnatural.

As a taxi driver, he often runs the place knowing that there are no cameras.

So it is often overtaken like this.

It's not a big deal, it's just a deduction of points and a fine. Why did he come to the door directly, "I'm a criminal policeman, not a traffic policeman, answer me."

Fang Ze dispelled his doubts.

Hearing this, Li Yi thought for a while and said, "I picked up a passenger at the time, who was going to the hospital, and I was in a hurry."

"That's why it drives fast."

Fang Ze: "Which position"

Li Yidao: "At the second intersection in the south, there are two traffic lights."

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