It was Li Xingchao who spoke.

Fang Ze continued to play the video.

A taxi came quickly, changed lanes illegally, and pressed over the manhole cover.

Because of the vibration of the manhole cover, even the trash can trembled a little.

The weather at that time was windless, and this tremor directly caused the platinum pen to roll down.

And the owner sitting at the door of the store heard the sound of the platinum pen landing, and raised his head subconsciously.

He got up to pick it up, but bumped into a young man on a bicycle.

The two fell to the ground at the same time, and also overwhelmed the shelves next to them.

Beverages and groceries were scattered all over the place.

Many pedestrians stopped.

This scene was sudden, without any warning.

Small-scale riots broke out.

Fang Ze paused and said, "Because of a platinum pen, this riot was caused, is there a problem?"

Li Xingchao shook his head: "No problem."

"it is good."

Fang Ze nodded and continued playing the video.

At this time, a taxi came and passed the store.

The next second, the pet dog suddenly ran out.

The master immediately chased after him.

In order to avoid pedestrians, the driver slammed the steering wheel and installed the advertising column on the left directly.

Bang! The speed was very fast, which directly caused the billboard to fall off, and the second billboard, straight, fell down.

At this time, Li Chenxuan had just arrived.

The falling billboard hit his head exactly.

Video stops.

Fang Ze turned to look at Li Xingchao.

Murong Yun's face froze, he understood.

Immediately, he suddenly raised his head to look at Fang Ze, with an incredible look in his eyes.

This... the idea of ​​the chief criminal police chief of the provincial office seems to be a bit bold.

Li Xingchao looked at the screen, thought for a while, and said, "Go ahead."

He didn't seem to understand.

Fang Ze nodded: "Okay."

"I asked the driver, the main reason for the accident was the riot."

"In other words, the riot caused the driver to hit the advertising post."

"It led to Li Chenxuan's death."

"To put it directly, that platinum pen caused Li Chenxuan's death."

"It's called the butterfly effect, the probability of killing people."

"Mr. Li, do you understand?"

Fang Ze said it very clearly.

This time Li Xingchao understood.

Old Zhou also understood.

The faces of the two people are very wonderful.

In the dazedness that has not disappeared, there is disbelief.

It sounds too fake! How can an ordinary person predict what will happen next, how can he calculate so accurately unless he has the ability to predict and see the future! Otherwise, it's too ridiculous! Fang Ze knew that the two of them were a little disbelieving.

"Mr. Li, I want to remind you first."

"This person's IQ is extremely high, and his identity is definitely not ordinary."

"If, I mean if."

"If this person is a killer, it should be world-class."

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Chapter 409 How to prove it? 【2】

These few words were ignored by Li Xingchao.

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