He doesn't care about identity issues now.

He just wanted to figure out the process.

Because it's so incredible.

It's even hard to believe.

He wasn't questioning Fang Ze, but what the other party said was somewhat far-fetched.

"That... can I ask a few questions?"

At this moment, Murong Yun suddenly spoke.

Li Xingchao glanced at him and said, "Speak."

The other party is an excellent detective, and of course the angle of asking questions is very tricky.

He also wanted to find out what was going on through the communication between the other party and Fang Ze.

Seeing that Li Xingchao agreed, Murong Yun looked at Fang Ze and said, "Captain Fang, that pen was deliberately put there, that's right."

"But I just watched the video, and the reason why the platinum pen fell was a taxi passing by."

"If it was him, could the murderer have predicted this?"

"Or the taxi driver is an accomplice"

This is an inexplicable point.

Without this taxi, what happened after that would not have happened.

The probability is too low.

How could it be so coincidental that in just that second, a taxi passed by unless the driver was also involved in the case.

Li Xingchao and Zhou Lao looked at Fang Ze, waiting for his answer.

They are also weird.

To the surprise of the three of them, Fang Ze nodded and gave a positive answer: "Yes."

Murong Yun was stunned: "Why?"

Fang Ze said: "I have found this taxi driver."

"At the time, he was at the second intersection to the south.

Received a passenger who was rushed to the hospital."

"Passengers are still in a hurry."

"It's within the killer's calculations."

"As I said, this is probabilistic murder."

"The murderer has certain confidence that this... taxi driver will change lanes and overtake illegally."

"Just probability, not [-]%."

Hearing this, Murong Yun pondered for a while, and said, "The person riding a bicycle"

Fang Ze said: "The murderer also saw it."

"And doing calculations in the brain."

"There were red lights and traffic jams, so taxis and bicycles would arrive at the store almost at the same time."

"It's also a probability."

Murong Yun was silent.

Then, he continued to ask: "What about the dog?"

"How did he know that the dog would stay in that place"

Fang Ze said: "There was food on the ground before, this is a confirmed event, and it is also within the scope of the murderer's calculation."

"And, not far ahead, there is another dog walker."

"The two will meet somewhere."

"This is still within the scope of the murderer's calculations."

"It's all probabilistic events."

Murong Yun nodded slightly and stopped sending it.

However, he was still a little unconvinced.

The probability of this series of events happening is small.

If there is a problem in one link, the killing will fail.

He thought it unlikely.

and also.

He also doesn't believe that there are such people in the world.

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