Direct use of national power.

If so, no problem.

There is no need to trouble Fang Ze.

Fang Ze, who left the community, saw Li Ruisi's car.

He really didn't leave.

Behind him, Murong Yun originally wanted to get to know Fang Ze.

But after seeing Fang Ze hurriedly got into a black car BMW, he had no choice but to give up.

We can only wait until the opportunity arises and talk about it later.

To be honest, it was the first time he had seen someone like Fang Ze.

If possible, he would like to have a deep friendship.

After all, their professional skills are the same.

There are also more common languages.

Inside the car, Fang Ze put the computer on the back seat, and then picked up a bottle of water next to him.

After taking a big sip, Fang Ze let out a light breath.

Li Ruisi said: "It's done"

Fang Ze nodded: "It's done, it's none of my business."

Li Ruisi said: "So fast"

"what happened"

Fang Ze adjusted the seat, lay down halfway, closed his eyes slightly and said, "Let me rest, are you hungry?"

Li Ruisi said: "It's alright, why don't you go and eat something?"

Fang Ze nodded: "Okay, do you have a recommendation?"

When it came to this question, Li Ruisi smiled and said, "That's a must."

"I know almost all the food in the whole Central and South."

"Just ask what you want to eat."

Fang Ze thought for a while and said, "Barbecue and draft beer."


Li Ruisi said in surprise, "I want to drink so much!"

When the voice fell, Li Ruisi started the car.

Along with the roar of the engine, the black BMW galloped away and quickly disappeared from Murong Yun's sight.

Murong Yun stared at the taillights for a while, then turned and left.

He knew it wasn't really over yet.

unless someone is caught.

At this moment, he almost completely agreed with Fang Ze's inference.

Li Chenxuan's death should really not be an accident

Feilu reminds you: reading three things

Chapter 412 Small talk [2]

8:0 pm: [-]:[-], a large food stall in South China.

This is a seafood barbecue plaza.

Although the per capita consumption is not high, it is still very famous.

When people living nearby are fine, they always like to call a few friends and come here for a drink.

A comfortable life is like that.

After eating and drinking, sing a song and go online.

For many people, life is simply not too good.

At this point in time, it should have been full of customers.

But now in the entire stall, there are only Fang Ze and Li Ruisi at the table.

"Come on, drink!"

Li Ruisi raised the draft beer mug in his hand.

The two of them looked up and worked for the most part.

In fact, Li Ruisi rarely comes to such places.

But since Fang Ze liked it, he sacrificed his life to accompany the gentleman.

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