During this period, people came to the barbecue restaurant from time to time, wondering why it was so deserted today, and then found the owner.


"Those two are booked out"

Got this answer.

No one bothered.

After all, people paid for it, so there is no way.

If you want money, you can too.

I can only sigh about the life of the rich, but it is different.

You have to book a place to eat BBQ.

There are also those who are angry and curse in their hearts: What are you pretending to be? Of course, just think about it.

Anyone who can book a venue casually will subconsciously feel that they are not ordinary people.

Anyway, there are many barbecue restaurants nearby, and there is no need to eat here.

But before leaving, it was inevitable that Fang Ze and Li Ruisi would look more at each other.

Fang Ze felt this kind of gaze was weird at first, but after drinking it to the fullest, he didn't care.

"Boss, another pound of mutton skewers!"

Li Ruisi shouted.

"Okay, right now!"

The boss responded.

After so many years of opening the store, this is the first time he has encountered a private market.

Everyone is a billiard hall, an Internet cafe, and a court.

These two young people are really novel, they directly cover the barbecue restaurant.

However, the price the other party gave was almost ten times his daily profit.

Such a good thing, no one will refuse.

It is estimated that it is a rich second generation, tired of high-end restaurants, and come to experience life.

In places like Central South, there are too many invisible rich people.

"This is too nonsense!!"

After three rounds of drinking, Li Ruisi also listened to Fang Ze and finished the cause and effect.

Fang Ze said while eating the skewers: "This matter is rotten in the stomach, no one should mention it, understand?"

Li Ruisi assured: "This is nature, do you mind me?"

"My mouth is very tight."

This matter concerns Li Xingchao, and even if Fang Ze doesn't, he won't cause trouble for himself.

Politics and commerce.

Politics is ahead.

This IQ, Li Ruisi still has it.

"Did Mr. Li believe it?"

Li Ruisi asked.

With such an incredible thing, he was really worried that Li Xingchao felt that Fang Ze was just talking.

Fang Ze said: "I believe it by seven or eight points. It is estimated that after the investigation, I will believe it by nine points."

"Once you catch someone, you can be sure."

Li Ruisi glanced at Fang Ze and said, "Are you sure about yourself?"

After listening to Fang Ze's description just now, it seems that what he said to Li Xingchao before was just an inference.

I guess it's to give myself a buffer.

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Fang Ze nodded and said, "Very sure."

"Li Chenxuan's death is by no means an accident."

"The reason why you doubt or do not believe is because your vision is too narrow."

Li Ruisi twitched the corner of his mouth and said, "Narrow"

"Old Fang, you scold me"

Fang Ze chuckled: "I'm telling the truth."

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