Time flies, six days have passed.

There was no news from Li Xingchao.

Regardless of

Neither Elder Zhou nor Li Xingchao took the initiative to call him.

I don't even know what happened.

Fang Ze, naturally, would not take the initiative to ask.

Maybe still: catch.

Perhaps they have been caught and are being interrogated in secret.

Chen Shaoyu's story is easy to say, but Li Chenxuan's identity is special.

The person who can take such a lot of trouble and spend a lot of money on him must be targeting Li Xingchao.

When it comes to the game between high-level people, Fang Ze won't care so much.

He knows his own position, that is, a criminal policeman.

The more involved, the more trouble.

This morning, Fang Ze was half lying on the hammock, talking on the phone.

In front of it is a clear and transparent swimming pool.

This is Li Ruisi's mansion.

He has been living here for the past few days.

The course at Central South Public Security University has already ended, but since he has not left yet, he added two more lessons 2.

One section is a summary of criminal psychology.

A section is advanced fighting teaching.

As for the time, it is up to Fang Ze to decide.

These are also his last two classes at Central South Public Security University.

After the students learned the news, they were waiting for Fang Ze's information every day.

It's a pity that the left can't wait, the right can't wait, and I don't know what Teacher Fang is busy with.

Are you going to handle the case again? "You are coming to Zhongnan"

The two chatted for a long time, Fang Ze said.

Luo Bixin: "I miss you, you have been going to Zhongnan for a month."

Fang Ze: "Okay, but over Penghai, are you alright?"

Luo Bixin: "It's okay, there was a smuggling case some time ago, and it's not over yet."

"We are cooperating with the anti-smuggling team to investigate this case, it should be soon."

Fang Ze: "The smuggling case Penghai is not a port city, why is there a smuggling case?"

Since it is a case jointly investigated by the Criminal Police Team and the Anti-Smuggling Brigade, it is definitely not an ordinary smuggling case.

The amount or nature of the case should be more serious.

It's just that such smuggling cases will basically appear in coastal port cities.

Smuggling, that is, overseas smuggling, isn't it nonsense how to do it without the sea?

Profits are not an order of magnitude.

In the case of the same risk, of course, you have to choose more money.

Those smugglers can't be so stupid

Luo Bixin explained: "It has something to do with Guangming City, and my brother is also investigating."

Fang Ze was surprised: "The palace team is also investigating what the smuggling case is."

If the light is involved, it is not surprising.

Guangming City is the largest coastal city in Suhai.

It also has one of the best ports in the country.

This kind of place is very attractive to criminals, taking desperate risks, purchasing and smuggling.

The difference between the price and the profit is still very large.

It will also cause untold losses to the country.

Therefore, smuggling has always been the key target of severe crackdowns.

Otherwise, no special anti-smuggling team will be set up to deal with such cases in a targeted manner.

In the light, smuggling cases often occur

Luo Bixin said: "I can't tell for a while, but it's not a trivial matter anyway."

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