"From cell phones, computers to cars, and found antiques."

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"There is more than one person involved, but several gangs."

"Yesterday, the anti-drug team also got involved."

Hearing this, Fang Ze's eyes narrowed slightly: "Anti-drug team"

"Someone is smuggling drugs"

Luo Bixin said: "I found a little, but not much."

"The superiors pay more attention and say that this time they will completely eliminate all smuggling gangs."

"If possible, people involved in drugs should also be identified."

Fang Ze: "Then be careful, smuggling is okay. Drug trafficking is not a trivial matter."

"Those guys are all outlaws."

Luo Bixin said: "Don't worry, I will."

He remembered that Fang Ze was hospitalized because of his involvement in the anti-drug operation.

Fang Ze: "A major smuggling case, it hasn't happened for a long time."

Luo Bixin: "Yes, I have never heard of such a serious smuggling case in recent years."

"I guess they've always existed, but they've been more secretive."

"Recently, I don't know why, but all of them suddenly appeared."

Fang Ze: "There must be a reason for the abnormality, help me pass a word to the palace team, be careful of outsiders and the proliferation of drugs."

Luo Bixin: "Okay, I will convey it."

"What does outsider mean"

Fang Ze: "Since these people are so careful, there must be a reason for the sudden exposure."

"I think there should be a dispute."

"The dispute comes from interests, and it is estimated that there is a big cake from outside."

Luo Bixin: "Big Cake, you mean drugs"

Fang Ze: "Perhaps, it should be something with high profits. Whether smuggling is a trivial matter, we must pay attention to the inspection of drugs."

"This kind of thing should be strangled in the cradle."

Luo Bixin: "Okay, I know, I will pay attention."

Fang Ze: "Yeah."

He didn't say much.

Since it is a multi-unit joint handling of the case, as long as the command is proper, it should be no problem

Luo Bixin: "I'll go after I'm done these two days. Are you finished with your class?"

Fang Ze: "Almost, when you come, let's go back to Suhai together."

Luo Bixin: "OK."

After chatting for a while, the two hung up the phone.

Li Ruisi walked out of the living room with two cocktails in his hand.


Fang Ze sat up and took it.

Li Ruisi said, "Sister Refill?"

Fang Ze nodded: "Well, she will come to Zhongnan in a few days."

Hearing this, Li Ruisi looked overjoyed: "it's good to come to Zhongnan. Su Yao misses her too."

"When are you coming?"

Fang Ze said: "I don't know, there is still a case over there, come here when it's over."


Li Ruisi nodded.

As a criminal police captain, it is normal to have cases.

That's her job.

"Lao Fang, the concert starts at 8:0 p.m., should we eat first or go first?"

Fang Ze said: "Crap, of course, eat first."

"When the time comes, I fell asleep and woke up hungry."

Hearing this, the wine in Li Ruisi's mouth almost spit out.

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