Boyfriend is also wrong, Zhao Yuling has zero scandals in her debut.

Taking [-] steps back, even if Zhao Yuling met the right person and started to try to fall in love, it would not be enough to write a song by himself. In the stage work area, a woman looked at Zhao Yuling on the stage and sighed slightly.

She is Zhao Yuling's best friend and her manager.

She probably knew something about that, but not much.

I don't know which man is so lucky that Zhao Yuling will be tempted.

What's even more bizarre is that this guy is still missing, so Zhao Yuling is all over the world taking the initiative to find it.

This feels very weird.

It's like Zhao Yuling posted upside down.

If it is known by the majority of fans, it is estimated that the Internet will explode.

"What does Fanghua mean?"

Li Ruisi turned around and asked.

Fang Ze was expressionless, and replied: "Literally, it's probably a good time."

"Oh, I remember."

Li Ruisi nodded and said, "Looking back and seeing the beautiful years"

"Has Zhao Yuling been stimulated by anything?"

At this moment, Li Ruisi suddenly felt a little uncertain.

Fang Ze said before that "the wind is exhausted"

etc., seems to be confirmed.

Fang Ze didn't say anything, just looked at Zhao Yuling on the stage quietly.

Offstage, fans are still: discussion.

""Looking Back and Not Seeing Fang Hua" is a very meaningful song."

"Zhao Yuling wrote the song himself, I don't know who has such good luck."

"Zhao Yuling won't fall in love, right?"

"Impossible, is there any sign..."

"Listen first, maybe you can hear something from the lyrics."

Amid the noise of the audience, the prelude to the song slowly rang out.

After hearing the music, the voice slowly fell into silence.

All the fans looked at Zhao Yuling on stage, waiting for her singing.

With the accompaniment echoing in his ears, Zhao Yuling slowly raised the microphone in his hand

Fortunately, the youth is not thankful for Jiashu, who wants to rely on the red dust, a song, the prosperousness of the street, and the quiet time.

An empty journey, like a homecoming

Looking back, I can't see the youth, the lost heart

Play a light flute, a dream intoxicated by the breeze

More than this, Jun An is in the middle of the song, and it has passed.

Zhao Yuling's singing stopped.

But the music continues.

She slowly put down her right hand.

The melancholy look on his face became more intense.

The whole stadium was silent.

Fang Ze lowered his head slightly, not knowing what he was thinking.

Judging from the lyrics, this is a semi-ancient song.

The poems and the modern vernacular show Zhao Yuling's inner emotions and expectations vividly.

Most of the fans present were highly educated.

It is very easy to understand.

"Jun An is here"

"Is Zhao Yuling looking for someone?"

"The word Jun should be male, right?"

"Nonsense, of course it's a man."

"Damn!! Who is it!! The goddess actually has someone she likes and she still can't find it! Me"

The lyrics are straightforward

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