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, as long as they are not stupid, anyone can hear it.

Zhao Yuling was looking for a man.

And the emotion inside, I am afraid it has reached the level of love.

In other words, Zhao Yuling fell in love with a man.

And this man should have disappeared by himself, and Zhao Yuling could not be found.

So I wrote this song to express my feelings.


"Don't let me know who it is!!"

For a while, with the explanation of others, almost all fans understood the meaning of the lyrics.

female silence.

The man has already started yelling.

The fact that Zhao Yuling has someone he likes has broken their hearts.

Now that person has slipped away.

This makes them feel bad! "Playing, feelings!"

"So shameless!!"

In the front area of ​​the infield, Fang Ze twitched when he heard the scolding coming from his ear.

For a while, my mind didn't even turn around.

It was really Zhao Yuling's suddenness, it was too sudden.

He was not prepared for anything.

Scumbag When did I become a scumbag? From receiving the mission to safely escorting Zhao Yuling back to China, he did nothing.

No flirting, no flirting, everything is normal.

What happened to Zhao Yuling? In a day or two, his feelings have come out. Does he have such great charm? Fang Zeke has never been narcissistic, shouldn't it?

Beside him, Li Ruisi turned his head and said, "Old Fang, you are awesome."


Fang Ze looked at Li Ruisi suspiciously.

Li Ruisi said, "Zhao Yuling, the goddess of the nation, announced with a song that she has someone she likes."

"And this person is actually missing, so she can't find it."

"Wait, the Internet is going to explode tomorrow."

"This hot search is absolutely top."

Fang Ze's face was a little unnatural, so he nodded in agreement.

Li Ruisi didn't pay attention to Fang Ze's expression, and continued: "You said that this man is so good, he is better than you and me"

Hearing this, Fang Ze said speechlessly, "Can you stop being so narcissistic?"

"What does it have to do with us"

Li Ruisi said: "I mean, what kind of man can Zhao Yuling like."

"She doesn't care about money."

"She looks so much better, I haven't seen her tempted."

"What's the situation?"

Fang Ze didn't speak any more, leaving Li Ruisi to talk to himself there.

Soon, the second loop of the song arrives.

Zhao Yuling's singing sounded again

Fortunately, Fanghua is not Xie Jiashu, who wants to depend on the red dust. Zhao Yuling has not finished singing a song, Qian Mo is prosperous.

She stopped.

She covered her mouth and turned away.

In the microphone, she could faintly hear her sobbing.

Seeing Zhao Yuling like this, all the fans were angry! "Damn!"

"What bastard! Make Yuling look like this!"

"It's a scumbag among scumbags, and I'm not satisfied with Zhao Yuling!"

"This kind of bastard, from the big bang to the collapse of the universe, can't find a second!!"

Hearing these words, Fang Ze felt a little guilty and couldn't help but adjust his sitting posture.

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