He wants to run.

Perhaps it was because he thought too much and it was a coincidence. The thought just came up, and Zhao Yuling's weak voice sounded.

"I'm sorry, but I lost my temper."

"I want to say one thing, about the second flight a few months ago."

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Chapter 417 His name is Fang Hua, do you know [3]

Everyone on the second flight was stunned, not understanding what Zhao Yuling meant.

Didn't you just say that the man has something to do with the plane? "No, the flight, wasn't it the time when the plane was hijacked?"

Someone with good memory and quick response should speak up immediately.

This reminder was passed on by ten, ten by one hundred, and most people remembered it.

"Yes, yes, I remembered, there is such a news."

"It seems that the second flight was saved by a criminal police officer in China."

"It's not like, it's"

"Is there a connection between the two?"

Zhao Yuling is not an ordinary person, she was not included in the list of rescued passengers reported by the news.

So no one knows.

Li Ruisi was also a little strange. He glanced at Fang Ze and said, "Old Fang, aren't you an expert in reasoning? What do you mean?"

Fang Ze hurriedly shook his head: "I don't know, I'm not an immortal if you ask me what I do."

Li Ruisi looked at Fang Ze suspiciously, and said, "If you don't know, you don't know, what kind of anger are you?"

Fang Ze did not respond.

Li Ruisi said no more, and looked up at Zhao Yuling on the stage.

Zhao Yuling said, "I was on the plane on the 9th flight at that time."

After a brief silence, there was an uproar in the audience! "Yu Ling is on that plane!"

"I rely on!"

"Breaking news!!"

"The hijacking, it wouldn't be because of Zhao Yuling, who rushed to her"

"Don't guess!"

Regardless of

With such a commotion in the audience, Zhao Yuling's voice kept saying, "I admit, the hijacking incident was because of me."

All fans: ""

The hijacking incident is because Zhao Yuling can't. "I can't say more about the specific reasons. In short, it is to escort the national treasure back to China."

"At that time, there were three gunmen with guns pointed at all the passengers, including me."

"They want to snatch national treasures."

"I'm the only one"

"It was easy for them to succeed, but at this moment, a man stood up."

"His name is Fang Hua, and he is the major general of our Huaxia."

"He killed all the gangsters and took back control of the plane."

"But the plane was badly damaged and needed to make an emergency landing."

"Finally, with his superb flight skills and experience, Fang Hua made the plane successfully land on the border of Xianbei."

"However, the pursuit has not stopped."

"Fang Hua took me and started to escape."

"He did everything possible to safely escort me to the Huaxia border."

"They caught up anyway, all fully clothed, trained mercenaries."

"There are assaulters, there are snipers, there are many."

"And Fang Hua, there is only one person."

"His skill and marksmanship are the best I've ever seen. He killed all his pursuers."

"Unfortunately, to save me, he was shot."

No one speaks anymore, listen carefully.

At this moment, many people have already guessed it.

The man in the lyrics should be this Fang Hua.

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