But together, it's kind of hard to understand.

At the moment, Old Zhou said, "Keep it simple."

Fang Ze nodded and said, "It boils down to this, a group of three people sneaked into Huaxia, and the mission was to attack Chen Shaoyu, Li Chenxuan, and Zhao Yuling."

"Although the gold owners are different, there is only one wave of murderers."

As soon as these words came out, both Old Zhou and Zhao Dejun fell silent.

Fang Ze then said: "Old Zhou, I need to talk to Wang Qiang on the phone."

"no problem."

Zhou Lao immediately took out his mobile phone, and after rummaging for a while, he dialed the number.

He turned on the speakerphone and put the phone on the stone table.

Soon, the call was connected.


"Elder Zhou, I'm Wang Qiang, please instruct me."

There was a man's voice on the phone.

Old Zhou said: "Wang Qiang, someone wants to talk to you, what do you ask, what do you answer, about Li Chenxuan."

Wang Qiang: "Okay."

He didn't ask who or what.

He's a well-trained, top-notch agent.

Don't say that nonsense.

Zhou Lao looked at Fang Ze.

Seeing this, Fang Ze said, "Hello Mr. Wang, I only have one question."

"You said that there may be a third person, is it because during the process of arresting the two, someone suspected to cover them from leaving?"

Wang Qiang: "That's right."

Fang Ze said: "According to your judgment, is he a sniper who is good at concealment?"

As soon as these words came out, the other end of the phone was silent for a while.

After a while, Wang Qiang said, "May I ask who you are?"

The sound has been different.

with a hint of surprise

Feilu reminds you: reading three things

Chapter 426 Dialogue with Wang Qiang [2]

Fang Ze glanced at Zhou Lao and replied, "I am the chief criminal police chief of the Suhai Provincial Department, Fang Ze."

Wang Qiang: "Oh, so it's Captain Fang, hello hello."

In the process of exchanging cases with Li Xingchao before, he had heard the name Fang Ze from the other party's mouth countless times.

To tell the truth, from an accident, to restore the truth, and lock the murderer under surveillance.

And it only took three hours 3.

He can't do this.

He understands criminal investigation, which is a compulsory course for special agents.

But criminal investigation is only one of his abilities, and it is still a weak one.

In other words, Wang Qiang is an average all-around player, unable to reach the top in a certain field.

This is also the reason why Li Xingchao entrusted Murong Yun to investigate the case.

If he encounters a very complicated case, Wang Qiang's criminal investigation ability will be limited.

As China's top secret agent, Wang Qiang has a very broad vision.

Knowing the truth that there are days outside the sky, and there are people outside people. After knowing Fang Ze's age, he was not surprised that the other party could solve the case.

Not for anything else, but for the other party to be able to take the seat of the provincial police chief at the age of twenty-six.

It's not something you can get by relationship.

Because it will be controversial, it will trigger fishing reels.

It must be a real ability.

For such a person, Wang Qiang actually wanted to get to know him.

Communicate with each other and learn from each other.

He continued: "Captain Fang is right, the other party may indeed be a sniper."

"And it's very accurate."

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