"If the arresters were replaced by ordinary police officers, there would have been heavy casualties."

Between the words, he gave the other party a high evaluation.

It's not about growing other people's ambition to destroy one's own prestige, but seeking truth from facts.

Acknowledging that the opponent is strong, can better deal with it

Fang Ze: "Wang Xianwang, team leader, is it possible or certain?"

The reason for this question is that Fang Ze believes that Wang Qiang can make a correct judgment.


Two words, it is estimated that Wang Qiang has left a buffer for himself.

In case of a mistake, Wang Qiang was silent for a while, then said, "Captain Fang, is this important?"

"Are there any other discoveries"

When it came to this question, Fang Ze first glanced at Zhao Dejun.

After seeing the other party nod, he said, "Something happened tonight."

"Singer Zhao Yuling was assassinated by an unknown person at a concert."

"I was there at the time, and Zhao Yuling was fine."

"According to my judgment, the person who shot is a master sniper."

"Not just guns, but crossbows."

"Leader Wang, do you understand what I mean?"

Wang Qiang's Voice Change: "Sniper Master"

"This person really exists"

Fang Ze: "I can take responsibility for what I say."

Wang Qiang: "Captain Fang misunderstood, it's not that I don't."

"If this is the case, then it can also be determined that there was a third person surrounded at that time."

"His hiding skills are so good that I didn't find him until someone ran away."

"Carpet search, and nothing."

"Obviously only two ran away, but this third person, like the human world evaporated, is really evil."

Fang Ze: "Leader Wang, you were not sure whether it was because the two people surrounded by them also had guns in their hands."

Wang Qiang: "That's right, so I don't know the gun: who fired it, and I can't judge.

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In which direction did the break come from?"

Fang Ze: "Silence"

Wang Qiang: "Yes, mute."

Fang Ze: "Is it a vortex muffler?"

Wang Qiang was surprised: "Captain Fang still understands the military industry"

Fang Ze: "A little bit."

Wang Qiang said: "Well, it should be a vortex muffler. Fifty meters away, you can't see the fire, and you can't hear the sound."

Fang Ze was silent for a while.

The production process of the vortex muffler is very complicated and belongs to the country.

When the bullet is ejected from the muzzle at supersonic speed, the gunpowder gas has been weakened to subsonic speed, and there is almost no muzzle explosion.

If the distance is more than [-] meters, unless the hearing is against the sky, it will be difficult to hear.

More importantly, this silencer has minimal impact on accuracy and range.

It's the dream of all sneaky snipers.

But this thing is metal, so it won't pass the security check.

Guns can be obtained in Huaxia, eddy current silencers, and it is unlikely that they will be carried and smuggled.

Leaving China is easy, but coming back is not easy, and the risks are extremely high.

Thinking of this, Fang Ze couldn't help but think to himself: "How did he bring him into China?"

Wang Qiang: "I'm also very surprised, there shouldn't be any in China."


Fang Ze: "Unless someone gives it to him."

Wang Qiang: "That's right."

He found that it was really easy to communicate with Fang Ze.

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