There's nothing wrong with this sentence.

If you have already exposed yourself, you still dare to monitor the covered urban area?

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Chapter 433 Fang Ze's speculation [2]

Wang Qiang also seemed to agree with Gao Xiang's opinion. He first glanced at Fang Ze and then asked, "What do you think?"

"I think so too."

"I agree."

The other five people spoke one after another.

Seeing this, Wang Qiang looked at Fang Ze again, and after seeing that the other party still didn't speak, he pondered a little.

The next moment, he opened his mouth and said: "Of course, the most dangerous place cannot be ruled out, which is the safest place."

Fang Ze still didn't speak, just listened.

Wang Qiang scratched his head and wanted to ask.

The arrest operation has entered a short period of difficulty, and it is still the biggest one.

As long as you get over this hurdle, the next action will be very smooth.

Having learned the lesson the first time, he certainly won't make the same mistake again.

The six of them looked at Fang Ze at the same time.

They were waiting for Fang Ze's meaning.

After a while, Fang Ze glanced at a few people and said, "I want to say something."

Seeing Fang Ze speak, Wang Qiang hurriedly said, "Fang team, please speak."

Fang Ze said: "In the next action, I hope to greatly reduce the number of participants."

Hearing this, Wang Qiang said, "How much is reduced?"

Fang Ze stretched out his finger: "Six 66."

"Six 66"

Wang Qiang hesitated for a moment and said, "These three people are not simple, can six 66 be okay?"

Fang Ze said: "Enough is enough."

"Any more, it will cause unnecessary casualties."

There was something he didn't say.

If possible, he wanted to catch it alone.

But I was worried that Wang Qiang would think too much.

After learning about the strength of the three people, Fang Ze has now characterized the other party as an extremely dangerous person.

A little carelessness can lead to death.

There are too many people, it can't help at all, it will only increase casualties.

The gains outweigh the losses.

The same goes for agents.

Their strength is already above that of special agents.

There is no doubt about this.

It is also fortunate that Li Xingchao did not let the city bureau participate, otherwise I really don't know how many people would die.

Those three guys, but without any scruples.

Left and Right: It's all a death, who cares about your identity.

Run away first.

Rabbits are in a hurry and bit people.

People are the most ruthless when threatened with death.

Not to mention that the other party is a cold-blooded killer.

This person is the most dangerous.

Fang Ze said: "Six 66 is absolutely fine, including me."

"If you can't catch it, then it's the same."

Of course, if the army is dispatched to cast a net all over the central and southern parts of the country, they will surely be caught.

But this is impossible.

The impact is too great, and the casualties are uncertain.

If this could be done, Li Xingchao would have consulted with Zhao Dejun long ago.

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