Since it was Fang Ze's request, Wang Qiang hesitated for a second, then nodded and said, "Okay, let's do as the team said."

"You pick five people."

Fang Ze looked at Liang Fei and the others and said, "Except for Tang Ya, just these five 55."

To him, no one matters.


Tang Ya pointed to herself and said, "Fang team, why can't I participate?"

Fang Ze said: "You don't participate in field operations, just serve as backup."

"Aren't you a computer expert?"

Hearing this, Tang Ya nodded slightly: "Alright then."

As long as you don't exclude yourself, anything is fine.

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After confirming this matter, Fang Ze said: "Okay, now let's discuss their positions."

Seeing this, six people came to the spirit and looked at Fang Ze.

This is the most important question right now.

"I want to give you a shot first."

Fang Ze said: "Looking for someone, I will start from the perspective of criminal investigation and follow the most possible route."

"Because there are so many possibilities."

"They may go where they think they are safe, or they may do the opposite, where they think they are dangerous, etc."

"We can't verify each one."

"What we have to do now is to lock the most likely position, no matter what

Right or wrong, then follow this direction and investigate secretly."

Hearing this, Wang Qiang nodded: "Understood, Fang team please say, we completely obey your orders."


Fang Ze nodded and said, "On the way here, I have already thought about this issue."

"First and foremost, I infer that these three people will be divided into parts after exposure."

As soon as these words came out, Wang Qiang's eyes moved slightly, but he did not interrupt.

Fang Ze continued: "The monkey is the commander, he will tell the tiger and the falcon what to do next."

"Then let's stop thinking about tigers and falcons, and just stare at monkeys."

"Do you know what I mean?"

Speaking of which, he first asked a question.

Beside him, Liang Fei nodded and said, "Understood, just catch the monkey first."

Fang Ze turned his head and said, "No."


Liang Fei was stunned.

Fang Ze continued: "Keep an eye on the monkey and catch the other two first."


Liang Fei was surprised.

Since the monkey is their "leader"

and "command"

, shouldn't we catch the hard ones first? At this time, Wang Qiang said, "Because the monkeys are very variable, we will spend time and effort, and the risk will also increase."

"The saying that catch the thief first catch the king does not apply here."

"That's right."

Fang Ze nodded and said with a smile: "Fold first: minions, and then play with him."

"I want to see what he should do without his teeth."

In Fang Ze's eyes, the most dangerous are not tigers and falcons.

But monkeys.

A person with a high IQ is worth a thousand troops.


Liang Fei nodded.

He understood what Fang Ze meant.

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