"Continue to narrow the scope, how to narrow it down?"

"It's actually very simple. We need to speculate on what kind of place they will live from the perspective of their personalities and abilities."

Wang Qiang was surprised.

Is there any direct connection between personality ability and the choice of residence? Fang Ze continued: "Let's talk about the monkey first, Team Leader Wang, what kind of person do you think he is?"

Wang Qiang then said: "A cool brain thinking geek."


Fang Ze said: "He is an extremely smart person, and he will never allow himself the possibility of getting into trouble."

"Then just imagine, when choosing a place to live, what kind of place would he subconsciously choose?"

Wang Qiang pondered for a while, then said, "A convenient place to run."

The truth of peace of mind, everyone.

It is impossible for monkeys not to prepare.

Besides, he is still in danger now, and he will not ignore the way back.

Fang Ze applauded and nodded: "Yes, a convenient place to run."

"It is not only in a commercial demolition area, but also convenient to run, where would it be?"

Wang Qiang took a deep look at Fang Ze and said slowly, "On the first floor, near the gate of the community."

Fang Ze did not speak any more, acquiescing to Wang Qiang's judgment.

The other five people, 5, are a bit confused.

This is all right in the central and southern urban areas.

Commercial demolition house.

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Recently rented out.

With such precise search criteria for the house on the first floor near the gate of the community, with Tang Ya's ability, it can be found tonight.

If you are quick, you will be able to lock the position immediately.

Could it be that after Fang Ze had this idea, Tang Ya said, "Fang team, you don't want tonight?"

Fang Ze turned his head to look at Tang Ya and said, "Yes, we will start tonight, are you waiting for the New Year?"


At this moment, even Wang Qiang looked at Fang Ze in astonishment.

It turned out that the other party had this idea in mind.

Tonight is going to arrest people so soon, Fang Ze has just arrived, and his butt is not hot.

This will require investigating and arresting people. Fang Ze ignored the ignorance of several people and continued: "Everyone, I'm talking about probability inference. Let's correct your mentality first and prepare for failure."

"Let's not talk about monkeys."

"Let's get this sniper first."

Seeing that Fang Ze was so resolute and not sloppy, Wang Qiang took a deep breath and immediately corrected his attitude.

I originally thought that tonight was just to discuss the case and give the direction for the future.

He obviously didn't expect that Fang Ze was going to start tonight.

The pressing time, the pressing atmosphere, and Wang Qiang's long-lost blood seemed to be burning.

"Fang team, please talk."

"We will do our best to cooperate with you."

Wang Qiang spoke in a deep voice.

"it is good."

Fang Ze nodded and said, "From the analysis of Falcon's character and ability, there is only one word for where he might live in the end, and that is high."

"As the so-called stand tall and see far, this has become his habit."

"The higher the place, the safer he feels."

"This is the exact opposite of a falcon and a monkey."

"So Tang Ya"

Tang Ya said quickly, "I'm here."

Fang Ze said: "Take advantage of the time to talk, and immediately investigate the commercial demolition houses on the tenth floor and tenth floor in the city to see if there are any... recently rented out."

Tang Ya said: "Okay, I'll check it right away."

After speaking, Tang Ya lowered her head and started to operate on the computer.

Fang Ze said: "Finally, let's talk about tigers."

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