"This guy is a very strong person."

"From before he entered the house, he had to consider the possibility of escape."

"The house on the first floor has only one door, and the surrounding windows are tightly sealed. This is the anti-theft habit of all communities, and there are no exceptions."

"He doesn't have the brain of a monkey and dares not live on the first floor."

"So, what floor will he live in?"

Beside him, Liang Fei said, "Above the first floor is fine."

Fang Ze asked back, "You jump from the tenth floor and try."


Liang Fei's tone suffocated, and he smiled embarrassingly.

At this moment, he decided to kill him and stop talking.

Too embarrassing.

Fang Ze said: "Above the first floor, below the fourth floor, including the fourth floor."

"If conditions permit, Tiger should choose the third floor."

"In addition to the third, second and fourth floors, also check."

He finished.

There was silence in the living room.

After some analysis, the approximate position of the three people is almost locked.

It will become very easy for Tang Ya to check

Feilu reminds you: reading three things

Chapter 436 Found it! 【2】

If Fang Ze's judgment is really correct, then it is too scary.

No one has ever seen them before, and they can analyze each other so thoroughly.

How powerful a brainpower is needed for this, "Group Leader Wang."

Fang Ze looked at Wang Qiang.

Wang Qiang came back to his senses and hurriedly said: "Fang team, you said."

Fang Ze said: "I believe there will be results in a while, can you prepare something?"

Wang Qiang nodded: "Of course, what kind of gun is the team used to use?"

He understood what Fang Ze meant.

In the face of such a powerful enemy, weapons are a must.

Fang Ze said: "It doesn't matter."

"I need a dagger, a pistol, and a detachable sniper rifle with a silencer."

Wang Qiang said: "No problem."

After he finished speaking, he looked at Hou An.

Hou An immediately got up and said, "I'm going to prepare for the squad."

After Hou An left the living room, Fang Ze leaned on the sofa and took out a cigarette case.

From what we know so far, it can only be inferred here.

Next, we have to wait for Tang Ya's investigation results.

Fang Ze thought about it, and after digging for a long time, he found that the cigarette case was empty.

He glanced down.

Seeing this, Wang Qiang got up, took out a pack of cigarettes from his pocket, and handed it to Fang Ze: "Fang team, smoke this."

"Thank you."

Fang Ze was also not polite and took it over.

Taking a look at the label on the cigarette case, Fang Ze chuckled: "It's the first time I've smoked the special offering."

Wang Qiang said with a smile: "If Fang team likes it, when the matter is over, take a few back with you."

"I'm so sorry."

Fang Ze took out a cigarette and lit it, feeling really good.

When there is a chance, he has to ask Old Zhou for some.

Tang Ya was busy at the moment. While waiting, Wang Qiang chatted, "Fang team, you are from Su Hai's side, right?"

Fang Ze let out a breath of smoke and nodded, "Yes."

Wang Qiang wondered: "Then come to Zhongnan, is there any case that needs to be handled?"

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