So he wasn't in a hurry at all.

For Fang Ze, the whole country is safe.

And to the falcon, every inch of this country is at risk.

Under this situation, Fang Ze calmed down and waited for work without worrying about any variables at all.

At this moment, the Falcon is estimated to be like an ant on a hot pot.

"I'll see how you run tonight."

Fang Ze chuckled, his index finger on the trigger, motionless.

Falcon, has been looking at the reflector.

At the same time, I also check the time from time to time.

Before three in the morning, he had to defuse the crisis.

Otherwise, it is doomed.

The backpack that is close at hand is now like a gulf that is insurmountable.

He started to get anxious.

"How to do"

"take a gamble"

"Get the backpack, it only takes a second, but the bullet is faster."

"If I don't get a gun, I'll die tonight."

"Jump from the front"

"No, you can't bet on his marksmanship."

With these thoughts flashing through his mind, Falcon gritted his teeth.

"Then lose the car and protect the handsome!"

"I can't believe that he can hit me on the spot with a distraction!"

Feilu reminds you: reading three things

Chapter 440 Mutual analysis, psychological pk [2]

Falcon has nothing to do now.

It is almost impossible to get out of the body intact.

Rather than die here, it is better to exchange wounds for life.

No matter what the outcome is, it's better than being dead! As an internationally active killer, Falcon still has this courage.

Being cruel to others is nothing.

Being cruel to yourself is the most terrifying thing.

Now that it's decided, Falcon won't have any more... hesitations.

The question now is.

What can be done to minimize the cost.

Nobody wants to get hurt.

But if it is a last resort, reduce the loss as much as possible.

Falcon turned to look to the right.

There's half a wall there.

From this position to there, it is about a meter and a half away, which is very close.

With his skill, it took less than a second to dodge.

If you take away the backpack, it will take another half a second.

That is, he has a second.

Of course, the person who is aiming here with a sniper rifle in the distance will not watch him do this.

Shoot for sure.

Then, which part of himself will he shoot at? The head should not be, the target in the rolling state is the most difficult to hit, and the error tolerance rate is very small.

The heart is a truth.

It is necessary to ensure the accuracy rate, but also make oneself lose the combat effectiveness, or directly kill.

From the other side's point of view, only the right arm joint.

A sniper lost control of his right arm, which was fatal.

Pretty much the same as death.

How to protect his right arm? After a few minutes of silence, Falcon's eyes flickered.

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