He thought of a plan.

If you judge correctly, you may be able to get the backpack intact.

On the other hand, when Falcon was analyzing Fang Ze, Fang Ze was also analyzing him.

There was still no movement in the sniper scope.

Explain that the falcon is thinking about countermeasures.

Fang Ze's attention has been on the backpack.

He knew very well that if the opponent wanted to break the game, there was only one possibility.

That is to get a sniper rifle and kill yourself.

Running with bare hands is absolutely impossible to escape.

Now, the plan to use the cloth rope to get the backpack has failed, so what will he do next? "This is a person with strong psychological quality who knows how to choose."

"If you can get a backpack at the expense of injury, it's not that hard for the Falcon to accept."

"After all, a little injury is nothing compared to life."

"Then will he lose the car to keep him handsome?"

In Fang Ze's mind, these "should be."

"I'm afraid he has now decided to be alone and use the bullet in exchange for the weapon."

"On the right is a half wall, a meter and a half away."

"Then his time is a second."

"The next thing he has to consider is to reduce the loss."

"He doesn't underestimate me, he doesn't underestimate my marksmanship."

"So, he will analyze my sniping points."

"Although the head and the heart are the key points: but under the rolling, the target is difficult to lock, and I have no absolute certainty that I can hit it with one hit."

"Once Falcon gets the sniper rifle intact, the next duel will be a protracted battle."

"This has to be avoided."

"Take the backpack right

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Arm joints!"

"The sniper lost his right arm and had to wait to die."


"What I can think of, I'm afraid he can think of too."

"How can we maximize his losses?"

At this moment, both Falcon and Fang Ze are thinking about a question.

That is action loss.

The difference is that Falcon is considering how to reduce losses.

Fang Ze, on the other hand, is considering how to increase the loss.

"What will he do?"

"Where is the breaking point?"

Fang Ze whispered to himself.

The line of sight has been staying on both sides, the center of the wall, and the backpack on the ground.

Falcons are ready for action at any time.

Time passed little by little.

One minute, two minutes, three minutes Falcon, a full silence for nearly twenty minutes.

During these twenty minutes he remained motionless.

Human attention is limited.

Even the best snipers will experience short periods of fatigue after long-term aiming.

This time may be one second.

It could also be a few seconds.

In short, there will be a distraction.

Falcon cannot determine this time point, but it can be controlled within a controllable range and wait slowly.

As much as possible, to reduce the loss of the bullet.

Another five minutes passed.

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