Falcon raised his hand, glanced at the backpack nearby through the lens, and took a deep breath.

After adjusting his mentality to the best state, Falcon slowly stood up and bent down to prepare for action.

In the next second, his body suddenly burst out! The instantaneous explosive power was raised to the extreme.

Although his physical fitness is not so strong, it is enough at close range.

While rushing out, Falcon rolled, and his right hand quickly grabbed the backpack on the opposite side.

During the process, his body rolled over, and as far as possible, his right arm was transferred to the sniper's blind spot.

Bang! Almost simultaneously.

The gun went off! Falcon grunted, grabbed the backpack and rolled behind the wall on the right.

Leaning against the wall, the muscles of his face trembled slightly.

He looked down at his left arm, where it had been pierced.

Blood flowed out.

More importantly, the hit is the joint.

Now it is very difficult for him to even move his left arm.

In other words, his left arm has been temporarily abolished.

"This guy"

Falcon gritted his teeth, his face slightly pale.

He was almost perfect just now.

As long as the opponent's target is the head, chest, or right arm.

He has a high probability to maintain the best combat effectiveness.

As long as it is not fatally injured, he has the capital to entangle with the other party.

Falcon never imagined that the other party would actually hit his left arm! "A coincidence?"

"Or maybe he counted on my plan"

He didn't think much about it, and quickly wrapped the wound with the recovered cloth to prevent the blood from continuing to flow.

Now, all he has left is his right hand.

With one hand, is he still capable of fighting? Falcon narrowed his eyes, and without any hesitation, started tying his left arm with the remaining cloth.

"It's a great character"

"But don't underestimate me!"

Falcon's face showed a hint of coldness

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Chapter 441 Penetrating the Wall, Falcon Shot [1]

Once, he has been in a desperate situation more than once.

But every time, there is a chance of death.

It's not as simple as luck.

If there is no cool head and excellent strength, I am afraid that I would have died many times.

So Falcon will not give up easily under any circumstances.

Even if he lost his left arm temporarily.

There is nothing absolute in this world.

Only those who accept fate.

When binding his left arm, Falcon's eyes became more and more cold.

five minutes later.

He used a cloth rope to connect his left arm and neck together.

Arms and chest, about seventy degrees: oblique angle.

In this way, he can hold the sniper rifle with one hand and continue to entangle with the opponent.

Escape is not impossible.

Although the accuracy will be affected to some extent, the error is almost negligible at such a close distance.

On the other side, Fang Ze's eyes still did not shift.

Be vigilant, and there is no reduction whatsoever.

he knows.

A person like a falcon, even if he loses his left arm, cannot be captured.

This is very simple truth.

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