
Wang Qiang smiled bitterly and said, "The gap between the white race and the yellow race is still very large, I think it should not be wrong."

Fang Ze's eyes flickered.

He suddenly remembered the man he had just seen in the Security Section of the City Bureau.

No way, the courage is so strong to pass the review. This is the most dangerous place and the safest place. Fang Ze's thinking is running fast at this moment.

He wasn't thinking about logic, but face recognition.

His imagination and power of observation were used to the extreme at this moment.

After a while, Fang Ze's expression changed slightly.

The next moment, he stood up abruptly and took out a pistol from his pocket.

The clear sound of bullets being loaded rang out in the reception room.

Tai Wei was suddenly startled, and quickly said: "Fang team, what's wrong?"

Wang Qiang also stood up, his face solemn.

Did the other party find anything? "Follow me!"

Fang Ze didn't answer and left the reception room quickly.

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Chapter 449 Tiger? 【3】

Although Wang Qiang didn't understand what was going on, out of Fang Ze's trust, he quickly took out his pistol and immediately chased after him.

Behind him, Tai Wei looked at Wang Qiang with a gun, and was stunned for a moment.

This man is also a policeman, so he should know him.

But now is not the time to think about that.

Two seconds later, Tai Wei, who had reacted, also followed.

Fang Ze almost ran downstairs, holding a pistol, his face was a little unsightly.

If it hadn't happened to him today, he wouldn't have thought of this point at all.

At least not in a short period of time.

Because this move is too risky.

At the same time, it is also due to a serious lack of information.

On the road, everyone looked at Fang Ze who was running towards him, and hurriedly avoided the road.

What happened when you ran so fast with a pistol in hand? Everyone stopped.

Before they could discuss, they saw Tai Wei also running out.

He also had a pistol in his hand.

At this moment, a question mark pops up in everyone's mind.

What is the situation near the city bureau, will there still be an accident, someone so mindless Fang Ze ran out of the city bureau directly.

After seeing the man at the gate of the Security Section, Fang Ze walked over.

At the same time, the man saw Fang Ze and the gun in his hand.

For a moment, he was stunned for a moment, and then his face changed slightly.

The next moment, without any hesitation, he turned around and wanted to jump over the electric railing.

Bang! Fang Ze's pistol rang when the man wanted to escape.

The bullet was accurate and hit the man in the back.

The man groaned, his movements stopped abruptly, he fell directly from the railing, and fell to the ground.

The sudden sound of gunshots caught the attention of everyone nearby.

Including the entire city council: the police at work were all taken aback.

Outside the gate, passers-by turned their heads and looked over.

They suspected it was a noise, but weren't sure.

After all, most people's understanding of gunfire is on the screen, and they have never heard it in reality.

But of course the police at the city council knew, and that was the sound of gunfire.

"what happened"

"Where to shoot!!"

Soon, everyone ran to the window and looked at the gate.

And the people in the lobby on the first floor also ran out.

At this time, Wang Qiang and Tai Wei had already arrived.

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