Fang Ze held the pistol and approached step by step.

The man struggled to get up, "Don't move!"

Fang Ze drank softly.

He didn't target the other party's vital points:.

He needs to be caught alive.

The man was half seated on the ground, looking up at Fang Ze, who came coldly step by step.

He didn't move.

Behind him, Wang Qiang and Tai Wei came with pistols and aimed at the man.

And all the other police officers who came, although they didn't understand what was going on, also began to be vigilant.

Some of them had guns on their bodies and started to draw guns.

You don't need to think about it, you know it's arresting people.

Who, the man who dared to sneak into the city bureau and how did he sneak in, the man's eyes were always on: Fang Ze.

When Fang Ze was only five meters away from him, his right hand moved.

Bang! But before he could do anything, a second shot rang out.

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The bullet penetrated the man's arm.

"I told you not to move!"

Fang Ze shouted loudly and stood there staring at the bleeding man.

He will have no mercy for such a person.

Because anything can happen.

Beside him, Tai Wei's face became a little dignified.

The man was shot twice, but his face didn't change much.

Also, his eyes were so cold.

This is definitely not an ordinary person! At this moment, Tai Wei's breathing became slower.

The index finger was on the trigger, ready to shoot at any moment.

Over time, more and more police officers with guns surrounded him, blocking all possible escape routes for the man.

Although I don't know who the other party is, I don't know why.

But now in this case, the fool knows what happened.

The man clutched his bleeding right arm and glanced at the person in front of him.

Then, he slowly closed his eyes.

Facing so many police officers armed with guns, he knew that he would not be able to escape this time.

Fang Ze approached slowly and made a gesture at the same time.

Upon seeing this, five or six policemen, including Tai Wei, swarmed up and pressed the man to the ground with his backhand.

"do not move!"

Crack! The handcuffs grabbed the man's wrist.

After doing all this, Fang Ze breathed a sigh of relief and put away the pistol.

Wang Qiang asked while pistol: "Fang team, he is"

Fang Ze turned his head and said, "I don't even know the tigers anymore."


Hearing this, Wang Qiang's eyes narrowed and he turned to look at the man who was restrained.

Tiger, this guy is a tiger, is a Chinese, and Fang Ze, who is a security guard at the city bureau, walked over and looked at the man in front of him.

The man also raised his head and stared at Fang Ze.

After staring at each other for a few seconds, Fang Ze said, "I killed your snipers."

As soon as these words came out, the man's eyes turned cold, and murderous intent burst out.

Fang Ze continued: "Originally he didn't need to die, he just lost his fighting ability."

"But I killed him anyway. I hate this guy."

"Including you, and the person behind you... who thinks he has a superior IQ."

The man's eyes became colder.

Fang Ze stretched out his hand, pinched the man's chin, and said, "Don't look at me like that, your end won't be much better."

Fang Ze will never show any kindness or pity to a person who has innocent blood on his hands.

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