Interrogation room.

Wang Qiang grabbed Borg's hair, lifted his drooping head, and said coldly, "Be honest with me!"

"This is Huaxia, do you think you can still go!"

Borg's eyes were very calm, with a hint of chill at most.

Even if you are caught, even if you know that you can't survive.

But there was no trace of fear in his expression.


"To be forced to confess"

"Save it, it's useless."

Borg spoke quietly.

Wang Qiang's face also turned cold and severe. He approached Borg's eyes and said, "Don't challenge my endurance limit."

"To tell you the truth, I'm not a policeman."

"There are some methods, I think you really want to taste them"

Hearing this, Borg moved his eyes slightly and glanced at Wang Qiang.


Wang Qiang said coldly, "What do you think!"

Saying that, he shook off his hand.

Borg stroked his messy hair and looked at Fang Ze who was standing in front of him.

"you are the head"

Fang Ze did not speak.

Borg didn't care either, and chuckled: "I said, it's impossible for the police to kill the falcon and find me."

"It turns out that Huaxia's agents came forward, but it's quite a face."

"If I remember correctly, there seems to be an organization called the No. [-] Special Agent Team"

"You are the leader, right?"


"I have to say, you are a very scary young man."

Wang Qiang glanced at Fang Ze, but did not correct Borg's words.

It doesn't matter.

Besides, it's embarrassing to say it.

At this time, Fang Ze said, "You're talking too much nonsense."

As a top criminal in the world, it is not surprising that the other party has heard of the No. [-] special agent.

This is in a certain circle, not a secret.

The smile on Borg's face remained unchanged, and he said: "Don't waste your efforts, let's not say whether I will tell you the information."

"I don't know anything at all."

"His position, only he knows."

Fang Ze took a step forward and said, "I don't care where he is now."

"I only care where he will be in three days."

As soon as these words came out, Borg's face slightly condensed, and then quickly returned to normal.

Fang Ze ignored Borg's face and continued: "Who helped you, I don't want to ask."

"I'm not interested in how much you charged."

"I'll just ask you a question, will he go to the bay on the night of the [-]nd?"

"Don't you know about this?"

Borg bowed his head slightly and did not answer the question.

Fang Ze stared at him for a while, then took out a cigarette.

"Don't worry, I still have three days to spend with you."

"I want to see how hard your mouth is."

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Chapter 453 The willpower of people is limited [2]

Interrogation room.

Fang Ze lit the cigarette and watched Borg quietly.

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