And Borg, silently bowed his head, without saying a word.

Obviously, he refused to answer Fang Ze's question.

Wang Qiang's patience has been worn away in the past few days.

Seeing that Borg refused to speak, he stretched out his hand to grab the other's neck, and said coldly: "You think everything will be fine if you keep silent."

As he finished speaking, his fingers clenched.

It can be clearly seen that Borg's neck is beginning to turn white.

Wang Qiang did not hold back.

If it were an ordinary person, this force would be enough to make it difficult for him to breathe and his face to turn red.

But Borg still didn't have much reaction.

Active in the world, wandering in death.

This is an outlaw.

I'm afraid, he's already prepared for this day, so he's not afraid.

Fang Ze was smoking a cigarette and did not stop Wang Qiang from extorting a confession by torture.

This is no longer an ordinary case.

Humans are not ordinary criminals.

I don't know how many lives were in the hands of Borg.

There is absolutely no need for humanitarianism to such a person.

Even extorting a confession by torture is outside legal principles, but it is within reason.

Fang Ze has his own bottom line, but he is not the Virgin.

He knew exactly what to do when.

If it weren't for saving the opponent's life, he would have aimed at Borg's head a few hours ago.

"Speak or not!"

Wang Qiang's angry shout sounded.

At the same time, his fingers tightened again.

Borg's face finally became a little rosy.

But his brows did not wrinkle.

As for speaking, it is even more impossible.

This kind of torture method that stays in the flesh and blood stage obviously has no effect on people like Borg.

Fang Ze knew that the other party was a tough nut to crack.

"A person's willpower has an upper limit."

"Do you agree?"

After a cigarette ended, Fang Ze suddenly said.

Hearing this, Borg moved his eyes slightly and looked at Fang Ze.

Wang Qiang also released his right hand.

Fang Ze continued: "I know, you should have received professional training and experienced many things."

"It's useless to force you to ask."

"You are not afraid of death.

I'm not afraid of ordinary punishment."

"But the human spirit cannot be completely indestructible."

"I have many ways to make you enjoy yourself.

"Borg, we really want this"

Fang Ze did not use interrogation methods, nor did he ask the other party's previous criminal records.

None of this is useful to Borg.

Hearing Fang Ze's words, Borg's face was cold: "What do you want to do?"

Fang Ze paced back and forth and said slowly, "I'm communicating with you calmly."

"Also let you know, don't think I'm easy to mess with."

Borg was noncommittal.

On the surface, the guy in front of him is a young man of twenty-five or six years old.

If it wasn't for the fact that he was arrested, or the identity of the other party, it could even be described as gentle.

But Borg knew very well that the other party was by no means a gentle person.

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