
Suddenly, Fang Ze's eyes narrowed.

He thought of himself.

"Am I not a temporary mobility person?"

Hearing this, Wang Qiang wondered: "What do you mean?"

Fang Ze said: "I came to Zhongnan to temporarily serve as a teacher."

"If you want to say which place in Central South is the most inconspicuous and the most tolerant of foreigners, it must be a university!"

Wang Qiang's face changed slightly, and he subconsciously said: "Foreign teacher"

"Fang team, you mean Angus, this bastard, went to the university to become a foreign teacher!"

Fang Ze turned his head suddenly: "Tang Ya!"


Tang Ya took a step forward.

Fang Ze said: "Immediately investigate all the universities in Central South, no matter what.

First-class or third-class, don't let one go."

"As long as there are foreign teachers who have entered the school within the last month, list them all."

"Finally, look at which university, there is a chartered car or chartered flight to leave Zhongnan tonight!"

Tang Ya looked solemn, nodded and said, "Okay, I'll check it right away!"

She doesn't know the reason, and she won't ask.

Just execute the command.

Tang Ya turned and got into the car.

Wang Qiang said: "Fang team, what do you mean?"

Fang Ze narrowed his eyes and said, "Many of our central and southern universities have academic or competition exchanges with foreign universities."

"By leaving this way, you can completely avoid your verification."

"They have formal exemption procedures."

"And a foreigner mixed in there won't arouse any suspicion!"

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Chapter 461 Zhongnan International Airport! 【2】

Wang Qiang seriously thought about Fang Ze's words.

have to say.

There are many ways for Angus to leave Central South.

But leaving as a teacher is indeed the safest.

Although foreigners are very eye-catching in China, they seem to be normal in universities.

The better the university, the more obvious it is.

The existence of foreign teachers has long been a habit in the eyes of the public.

Angus mixed in this environment, can be said to be the best camouflage.

Fang Ze's inference is very reasonable.

Thinking of this, Wang Qiang couldn't help but admire Fang Ze even more.

Angus's thinking and computing ability is already very high, I am afraid that it is difficult to find a rival in the world.

Coming to Huaxia today, it can be said that I have met a strong enemy.

The brain power confrontation between the two, the war without the smoke of gunpowder, is amazing.

At this moment, he is more and more convinced that Angus may really be inseparable from Huaxia.

Time passed little by little.

Half an hour later, Tang Ya got out of the car with the computer and came over.

Looking at her face, she seemed a little tired.

It is estimated that in this half hour, she has used the computer operation to the extreme.


Seeing Tang Ya coming, Fang Ze opened his mouth in surprise.

His budget time is more than an hour.

I didn't expect the other party to be so fast.

As expected of a member of the No. [-] special team.

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