It is not a simple matter to investigate the new foreign teachers and off-campus exchange activities in the school.

There is no index, there is no targeted search engine, only one school at a time to check slowly.

After half an hour, it was enough to show Tang Ya's ability.

Tang Ya nodded and said, "The investigation is over."

"Huaxia University of Science and Technology."

"Huaxia University of Science and Technology"

Fang Ze's eyes fluctuated for a while, and said, "I really know where to choose."

"what activity"

Tang Yadao: "Academic exchange meeting with American Polytechnic University:."

Fang Ze said: "specific personnel"

Tang Ya said apologetically, "I'm sorry Fang Team, I can't get it for the time being."

Fang Ze didn't care, and continued to ask, "What time is the plane?"

Tang Ya replied, "It's exactly ten o'clock tonight."

Hearing this, Wang Qiang and the others looked at Fang Ze, waiting for his decision.

Fang Ze took out his phone and glanced at the time, and said, "There are still about three hours3"

"Go, go to Central South University of Science and Technology immediately!"

Seven people 7 get on the bus.

Wang Qiang drove very fast and arrived at the entrance of Central South University of Science and Technology in less than half an hour.

Fang Ze revealed his identity directly to the security guard, and two cars drove into the campus.

Eventually, they stopped under the office building.

At this point in time, I don't know if the principal is still there.

But it doesn't matter.

The principal is not looking for the vice-principal, but the vice-principal.

really not, no matter what

Where is the principal, he must be forcibly dragged back.

Dong dong dong! There is a knock on the door of the principal's office.

"Please come in."

A middle-aged voice came from inside.

Fang Ze pushed open the door and entered.

Behind the desk, the bespectacled Zhongnan man raised his head, glanced at Seven People 7, and said suspiciously, "You are"

Fang Ze took out his documents as he walked, and said, "Hello, Principal Yang, we are from the Criminal Police Team of the Municipal Bureau."

This person is the president of Central South University of Science and Technology, Yang Mingshu.

-->>This chapter is not over, click on the next page to continue reading


Yang Mingshu is even more strange: "Is something wrong?"

This is the university, is there any case involved here? Impossible, he has not heard any news.

Fang Ze came to the desk and quickly said, "Principal Yang, have you had any new foreign teachers in your school in the last month?"

"Foreign teacher"

Yang Mingshu thought for a while, then nodded and said, "Yes."

Hearing this word, I didn't wait: Fang Ze spoke, Wang Qiang took a step forward, took out his phone and said, "Is it him!"

Yang Mingshu glanced at Wang Qiang, then looked at the phone, and nodded again: "Almost, it seems."

"What's wrong with him?"

Although the photos in the mobile phone are hand-painted portraits, which are relatively blurred, the facial features are still very clear.

In contrast, it can be recognized.

After getting the affirmative answer, Wang Qiang's face froze, he clapped his hands on the table, and said anxiously: "Where are the others! Ah!!"

His voice was a bit loud.

It could be seen that Wang Qiang was very restless at the moment.

Although he had been prepared, the news still shocked him.

The result of the matter was exactly the same as Fang Ze's inference.

Blind guessing against the sky! Yang Mingshu frowned and said, "This police officer, can you be polite?"

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