"I am the president of Central South University of Science and Technology, not a criminal."

As the president of a famous university, Yang Mingshu has an administrative position.

Of course not afraid of a policeman.

Bang! Unexpectedly, Wang Qiang slapped the table and said angrily, "I asked you who you are!!"

At this moment, even Fang Ze turned to look at Wang Qiang.

Your attitude is not enough, Yang Mingshu's face sank, and he said, "You speak!"

Pop! Wang Qiang didn't talk nonsense with Yang Mingshu, he just threw out a certificate.

Yang Mingshu lowered his head subconsciously, and his expression changed after seeing the Chinese characters on the certificate.

He stood up abruptly, looked at Wang Qiang in disbelief, and then set his eyes on Fang Ze.

"You are the country"

"Come on! Where's this bastard!"

Wang Qiang asked the third time.

Yang Mingshu hurriedly said: "Zhongnan International Airport, they need to take a plane tonight"


Fang Ze didn't finish listening, he turned and left.

Wang Qiang and others immediately followed.

In the office, only Yang Mingshu was left, and he was stunned for a long time.

Under what circumstances, arresting people and cases, these guys need to come forward in person.

Yang Mingshu's expression changed, and suddenly he had a bad feeling.

After all, the foreign teacher in the photo is a document signed by him.

After eight o'clock in the evening.

Central South International Airport.

waiting room.

About thirty people sat here, talking and laughing.

Among them, there is a blond foreign man.

He looked very young and handsome, with a faint smile on the corner of his mouth.

In less than an hour, the plane will take off for the United States.

"Mr. Angus, academic discussion about the next few days"

Beside, a student asked a question.

Angus smiled and answered them one by one.

It looks very knowledgeable.

It's just that in the depths of his eyes, there is a shrewd wisdom that ordinary people can't find, and a faint murderous aura.

This murderous aura does not flow on the surface.

To others, he is a gentle and elegant foreign teacher

Feilu reminds you: reading three things

Chapter 462 You are in the wrong place [1]

Airport waiting room.

After Angus answered the students' questions, he leaned back in his chair and closed his eyes.

When the people next to you see this, they will no longer bother.

There is still half an hour before boarding time.

"It's finally over."

Angus thought so.

"I don't know if that guy Borg is safe now."

"If all goes well, the train should have left."

"I've already done what I have to do. If you still get caught, don't blame me."

"What we are facing this time is not an ordinary enemy."

"Just in case, I have to do it."

Fang Ze is right, Angus is a very careful person.

Even if he didn't know the details of Fang Ze, he still chose to overestimate the enemy as much as possible.

Sometimes being overconfident is not a good thing.

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