Squeak! The rat screeched.

In front, all the female soldiers stared blankly at Fang Ze's movements, and even stopped breathing.

With a smile on his face, Fang Ze raised his left hand and signaled to everyone.

Then, he raised his right hand and lightly scratched the mouse's fur.

Squeak! The rat's cry is getting more and more miserable.

The female soldiers shuddered and looked at Fang Ze in disbelief.

At any time, Fang Ze picked out a small piece of liver.

There were bloody pieces of meat on it, and there was even blood dripping down.

"When you're dying, there's nothing you can't eat, understand?"

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Ze said something, and immediately put the bloody piece of meat into his mouth.

He chewed slowly, his face unchanged.

It's as if you're tasting an unparalleled delicacy.



At this moment, several female soldiers screamed and squatted down with their faces covered.

Although the rest of the people can still bear it, their faces are already pale.

"Ha ha."

Behind him, Lei Zhan and the others all laughed.

For them, this is a normal thing.

If you put them on it, you can do it too.

This is one of the basic qualities possessed by the field special forces.

As for Li Ruisi, the way he looked at Fang Ze was completely different.

Recalling the first time I met Fang Ze, it seems that every once in a while, the other party will surprise or frighten him! "This guy, Lao Fang, is too fierce!"

Fang Ze licked his lips and threw away the mouse in his hand.

The mouse fell to the ground, twitching and struggling, obviously unable to survive.

Afterwards, Fang Ze did not forget to lick the bloody dagger.

This action made the fear in the eyes of the female soldiers even stronger.

The young man in front of him is simply a devil! Fang Ze pointed at Tan Xiaolin and said, "I ate it, what about you?"

"No no no no"

Tan Xiaolin took several steps back in a row.

There was a lot of sweat on his forehead.

She was really scared by Fang Ze.

Seeing this, Fang Ze's smile slowly faded, and he said coldly: "I repeat, this is the final training!"

"Those who can't do it, leave immediately!"

"I only give you thirty seconds."

"After thirty seconds, don't blame me."




Seeing Fang Ze start the countdown, the expressions of all the female soldiers changed drastically.

At this moment, they finally understood what Fang Ze said before.

All eliminated! This so-called "training"

, there is indeed a great possibility to eliminate them all! Not far away, Feng Dongdong whispered: "Captain, really want to eliminate them all"

Lei Zhan chuckled and said, "No, Fang Hua knows it."

"Oh, all right."

Feng Dongdong nodded.

If they are really eliminated, they will not be able to explain it to the top.


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