
Fang Ze's voice continued.

"Wait a moment!"

At this moment, Tan Xiaolin stepped forward and spoke loudly.

Fang Ze stopped talking and said, "Do you want to try?"

Tan Xiaolin raised her hand, pointed to one of the boxes and said, "You said you can eat all of these, can it be eaten too?"

Now she has no choice but to fight against Fang Ze.

She has no courage at all about eating raw mice.

Fang Ze turned to look.

Tan Xiaolin refers to a centipede that is not small in size.

It crawls back and forth in the box and looks very scary.

Fang Ze glanced at Tan Xiaolin and turned around to the box.


"Your name is Tan Xiaolin, very good, you succeeded in angering me, and now I have changed my mind."

Hearing this, Tan Xiaolin was taken aback.

Fang Ze continued: "I eat this, you eat that..."

Saying that, he pointed to the dead mouse on the ground.

Fang Ze couldn't push it too hard. Compared with centipede spiders, mice were easier to accept.

"After I finish eating, I'll give you only three seconds 3."

"If you don't eat it, thirty-three people will be eliminated immediately, and they will all get out of here!"

Feilu reminds you: reading three things

Chapter 472 is an elite, not a king [1]

After Fang Ze's voice fell, Tan Xiaolin's expression changed.

She clearly felt that the comrades behind her seemed to have shifted their attention to herself.

In other words, he transferred Fang Ze's dissatisfaction to himself.

As long as he doesn't eat it, everyone will be eliminated! Fang Ze's move is very clever.

Although everyone with a discerning eye knows, whether Tan Xiaolin eats or not has nothing to do with everyone's going or staying.

If you don't eat it, you will be eliminated.

After eating, will they follow suit? The answer is no.

But the focus of the rest of the female special forces is not here.

They only focus on things that have nothing to do with them.

In other words, a shift in accountability.

As long as Tan Xiaolin doesn't eat it, others will only blame Tan Xiaolin.

Because it was Tan Xiaolin, everyone was eliminated.

It doesn't matter if they eat or not.

In this way, there are ample reasons to put all the mistakes on Tan Xiaolin.

It can be said that the current Tan Xiaolin has become the focus.


Lei Zhan looked at this scene and smiled.

Now Tan Xiaolin is not... alone, but bears the huge pressure of [-] people to stay.

Under great pressure, it is possible for people to do things beyond their tolerance.

Fang Ze is forcing Tan Xiaolin to submit.

Of course, Lei Zhan knew that Fang Ze was not targeting Tan Xiaolin.

Because this is the special forces.

The more skills, the more hope of survival.

After all, what they were doing were extremely dangerous missions.

Fang Ze is also doing it for their own good.

Otherwise, there is no injustice and no enmity, there is no need to do so.

When Tan Xiaolin was stunned, Fang Ze had already opened the... wooden box.

The centipede in the box seemed to sense the danger and crawled faster.

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