Fang Ze waved his hand: "Nothing in case."

"As long as this person is found, there is no emergency."

"If you can't find it, I'll come by myself."

After speaking, Fang Ze stopped explaining, turned to look at Liang Yongzhou and said, "Liang Ting, has the Public Security University notified you?"

Liang Yongzhou nodded and said, "I have already informed you, at two o'clock in the afternoon: just go directly."

"Are you sure you are a sophomore?"

Fang Ze picked up the teacup and said, "The freshman has just entered school, and he has not yet adapted. The junior already has some of the characteristics of a police officer."

"Sophomore, the most suitable."

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Chapter 481 What's the name? 【1】

At [-]:[-] in the afternoon, Fang Ze, Luo Bixin and Lin Yujing arrived at Suhai Public Security University on time.

Time is running out.

Fang Ze must finish the arrangements for Yangcheng as soon as possible, and then rush to Guangming.

Now in Guangming City, smuggling gangs are extremely rampant, and they have almost reached the point of being out of control.

Regardless of

Whether it is the City Bureau Criminal Police Team or the Anti-Smuggling Brigade, there is a tendency that the situation cannot be controlled.

As the chief criminal police chief of the Suhai Provincial Department, Fang Ze must sit in Guangming as soon as possible.

Do your best to catch all the smuggling gangs in Guangming City.

Time is hard to say.

Fang Ze's psychological expectation is one month.

Within a month, clear all smuggling gangs in Guangming City

1:[-] p.m.

A training room in Suhai Public Security University.

Fang Ze stood at the door, looking at the college students standing in three rows inside.

Next to him, a man said respectfully: "Captain Fang, according to your request, these are the students who have violated the rules and disciplines in recent months."

"There are twenty-eight people in total."

The man is Liu Mao, the director of discipline inspection at the police academy.


Fang Ze nodded, still looking straight ahead.

"so much"

Luo Bixin was a little surprised.

It stands to reason that the discipline management in the police academy is very strict, which is different from that in ordinary universities.

If you make a mistake, the punishment is very severe.

So there should be no students who dare to mess around.

Unexpectedly, twenty-eight appeared all at once.

Liu Mao turned to look at Luo Refill, and explained, "Team Luo, there weren't so many at first, it's just"

Speaking of this, Liu Mao said helplessly: "It's just that the night before yesterday, there were about twenty people fighting outside the school. According to the regulations, they will be expelled."


Luo Bixin was speechless.

The students of the police academy have not been laughed to death by the rumors of getting together to fight and fight.

Even in ordinary universities, it is rarely seen.

They are all grown ups, is it still so naive? Isn't this not knowing the law and breaking the law?

Even if you don't get fired, you'll have to go on probation.

Don't even think about being a police officer after graduation, it's impossible.

"Fang Ze"

Luo pen core opening.

She suddenly felt that it was a bit nonsense to come to such a place to find an undercover agent.

Burn high incense without dragging them down.

Fang Ze didn't react, and said, "Go, go and have a look."

After speaking, he stepped forward.

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