A few people quickly followed behind.

At the same time, the twenty-eight people who were whispering turned their heads at the same time and looked at Fang Ze.

Fang Ze, stood in front of the crowd.

He first swept around and found that there were girls among them.

Without speaking, Fang Ze took out a cigarette.

After lighting it, he said, "Do you know me?"

Most of them looked suspicious.

"Fang Fangze"

Someone suddenly spoke up, with surprise in his voice.

Hearing these two words, everyone's expressions froze.

The name Fang Ze, the police and students of the police academy in Suhai, I am afraid not one person does not know.

The captain of the criminal police of the Suhai Provincial Department! What is the situation? Why did he come to the university? It's not a trivial matter that a captain should come over in person, "Xie Bing!"

Liu Mao pointed at the young man and shouted, "Who allows you to call him by his first name?"

Hearing this, Xie Bing immediately noticed his disrespect, and quickly stood at attention: "I'm sorry, Fang team.

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"It's okay."

Fang Ze smiled lightly.

Twenty-six boys and two girls.

This is rather strange.

It seemed that the fight the night before yesterday had something to do with the girl.

The conflict among college students is actually quite simple.

For now, it's probably because of feelings.

Fang Ze watched for a while and said, "Except for the one who fought the night before yesterday, let's go."

The voice fell, and seven or eight of them, relieved, turned around quickly and left.

There are about twenty people left.

They looked at Fang Ze with a smile on his face, and felt a little uneasy in their hearts.

It's not a trivial matter for police academy students to get together and fight.

Could it be that Captain Fang happened to pass by and heard about this matter, so he wouldn't be so unlucky if he came to deal with it in person? Fang Ze took a puff of cigarette and smiled lightly: "Everyone, there is an elite selection test, do you want to participate?"

He has an intuition.

This time, Yangcheng's undercover agent is very likely to appear among these twenty people.

In the eyes of university teachers, crowd fights are very bad.

But in Fang Ze's eyes, it is very in line with some of the characteristics of this undercover.

A good student is good, and after graduation, he will become an excellent police officer.

But a good policeman does not mean a good undercover agent.

These are two very different roles.

Dare to fight, it shows that there is blood in the heart, and you do things regardless of the consequences.

This kind of person is exactly what Fang Ze needs right now.

"Elite Selection Exam"

Everyone looked at each other, not understanding what Fang Ze meant.

Fang Ze said: "If you don't want to participate, raise your hand."

The atmosphere fell silent.

Seems like a good opportunity, but something seems wrong.

They just made a mistake, the matter of the elite selection, how could it be their turn not to be a trap? After a while, someone raised his hand.

Fang Ze's eyes shifted slightly.

The person who raised his hand looked inconspicuous in the crowd and looked calm.

His raised hand seemed very appealing.

Soon, the people around them raised their hands one after another.

At a glance, there are about six or seven.

Fang Ze stared at the first young man to raise his hand for a while, then said lightly, "Okay, the person who raised his hand should leave now."

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