There is a piece of cloth on the ground with playing cards on it.

With this move, he has already made some money.

Although it is not much, it is enough to eat, drink and live.

If it goes on like this, it will be very easy to survive these twenty days.

Fang Ze smiled slightly and said, "The nickname is Mouse, huh."

"It seems that when he was on campus, he didn't do this less often.

"Though Qianshu is a little immature, it's enough for a layman."

Luo Bixin turned his head and said, "Is this illegal? Would you like to warn me?"

Fang Ze pondered slightly and said, "Wait and see, this is only the fourth day."

"Maybe something interesting will happen soon."

"Interesting things"

Luo Bixin gave Fang Ze a strange look, not understanding what the other party meant.

It's the fourth day.

Nowadays, everyone has almost found their own way of living, and they are beginning to be familiar with the role they play.

If nothing else, there should be no more... more people eliminated.


-->>This chapter is not over, click on the next page to continue reading

I'm more optimistic about that one... Xie Bing."

It was Lin Yujing who spoke.

Her philosophy is different from Fang Ze, and she is a person who follows the rules.

Xie Bing is excellent and upright, and he should become an excellent police officer in the future.

Such people are rare.

Fang Ze nodded and said, "He's a good seedling, but unfortunately he's not the one I'm looking for."

While talking, he looked at the monitoring screen where Xie Bing was.

The other party was walking around the streets of Yangcheng, picking up garbage for a living.

This is the correct choice.

No danger, no accident.

As long as the skin is thick enough, it is enough to pass these twenty days safely and securely.

Lin Yujing did not speak.

She didn't refute Fang Ze, but she still disagreed a little in her heart.

Yu Sin, she doesn't look like a policeman no matter what.

Once the other party joins the criminal gang, under the temptation of the money beauty, she really worries that the other party will be assimilated and instigated.

And the possibility of being turned against, she thinks is very high.

Fang Ze ignored Lin Yujing, looked at the screen and said, "It seems that everything is on the right track."

Luo Bixin nodded and said, "That's right."

"Luo Jialong is playing games for others in an Internet cafe. He is a computer genius and can't starve to death."

"Zhou Wenjuan works in a restaurant, so she has no worries about food and clothing."

"And Wang Shenxiu haha."

Speaking of this person, Luo Bixin laughed again.

Fang Ze also shook his head helplessly.

This guy is the most bizarre among the twenty.

On the first night, he went to the nightclub to eat and drink for free, and was beaten, and stayed to work to pay back the money.

It's okay to work and pay back the money, the key is that this person is very good at pleasing women.

A eldest lady in the nightclub seemed to be very close to him.

If this momentum continues, it won't be long before it will be "supported"


"What about the remaining sins?"

Luo Bixin suddenly spoke.

Fang Ze turned his head and found that Yu Sin had disappeared from the surveillance screens.


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