At this time, someone shouted: "Yu Sin's bracelet locator has not been moved for three hours."

Fang Ze raised the corner of his mouth, picked up the microphone and said, "Tang Hui, go and see where Yu Sin's bracelet is."

"Good squad."

After half an hour.

Tang Hui's voice sounded: "Fang team, Yu Sin's locator was on a wolf dog, he took it off!"

"What should the team do or not find him?"

Fang Ze said: "No, wait."

Tang Hui: "Okay."

Luo Bixin clearly heard Tang Hui's voice and frowned slightly: "What does he want to do?"

Fang Ze took out a cigarette and lit it, and said softly, "Get out of control, gather everyone, and play counter-reconnaissance with us."


Luo Bixin was surprised.

"He wants to gather everyone"

Fang Ze said: "Not everyone, it should be just the brothers in the dormitory."


Luo Bixin thought for a while and said, "Yangcheng is so big, he always wears a blindfold when he gets off the bus, how can he find it in a short time?"

Fang Ze let out a breath of smoke and said, "From the moment he put on the blindfold, he remembered the parking location in his mind."

Luo Bixin's eyes narrowed.

Fang Ze continued: "That is to say, he now has the complete map location coordinates."

"He's been waiting for his chance."

Feilu reminds you: reading three things

Chapter 486 Monitoring is hacked [2]

"Remember map coordinates"

"That requires a strong spatial memory ability."

Luo Bixin said.


Fang Ze nodded and said, "He should have this ability."

Luo Bixin was silent.

"Why would he do this? It's against the rules."

Fang Ze smiled and said, "Is there any resentment in my heart?"

"We gathered a crowd to fight and didn't deal with it, and I was forced to participate in this inexplicable training camp."

"With his temperament, it's strange not to be angry."

Luo Bixin said: "So he wants to fight with us to let us know how powerful he is"

Fang Ze nodded: "Yes."

"Young man, rightly so."

He didn't blame Yu Sin's behavior, but rather appreciated it.

Hearing this, Luo Bixin smiled and shook his head, "Young and vigorous."

She wasn't worried that Yu Sin would mess up.

Because Fang Ze is here.

Playing counter-reconnaissance with Fang Ze, Yu Xun is probably not far behind.

If you are looking for it, you will find it soon.

two hours later.

In the monitoring, the figure of Yu Sin appeared again.

He was squatting at the door of the DMV.

Looking at the figure on the screen, Luo Bixin was surprised: "Why didn't you want to run? Why did it appear again?"

Fang Ze said: "First, make money."

"Second, test our bottom line."

"Test the Bottom Line"

Luo Bixin began to notice the difference in Yu Sin.

It seems that without knowing it, Fang Ze has already begun to analyze and infer this person's character and behavior.

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