At the same time, Zhang Meng and the others also began to copy wine bottles, ready to fight.

As for the two girls, they could only huddle and watch.

The leading man pointed at Yu Sin with a steel knife and said coldly, "You guys, dare to grab business on my site"

"Did you say hello?"


Hearing this, Yu Sin raised his brows and said, "What are you doing to steal business!"

The man snorted coldly: "Qiaotou Street! Do you understand?"

"I think you're tired of living!"

He could see that the guy in front of him should be the head.

Yu Sin was stunned.

Qiaotou Street is where they make money during the day.

His face sank and he glanced around.

So many with sticks and knives.

If they were to fight, they would definitely lose badly.

Seeing that Yu Xun did not speak, the man smiled and said, "I'm afraid"

"Give you a chance, kneel down and admit my mistake, then disappear in front of me, and I'll let you and your subordinates go, how about that?"

As soon as these words came out, Yu Sin's face became a little ugly.

"Fuck you!"

They couldn't listen to the mouse anymore, and they were about to start when they shouted angrily.

"Don't move!"

Yu Sin turned back and shouted.

The man shook the steel knife in his hand and said, "How to think about it?"

Yu Sin gritted his teeth, thinking about countermeasures in his mind.

Around, someone was ready to call the police.

Fighting in the street with a weapon is no small matter.

Across the road, Fang Ze silently watched this scene and shook his head slightly: "Still too young."

He was talking about guilt.

There are advantages, but sometimes thinking about problems is too one-sided.

It also lacks forward thinking.

However, these questions are innocuous.

And in a way, it could be good too.

The two sides are still fighting.

The man became impatient and said, "If you don't kneel, then I'll do it!"

As he spoke, he raised the knife in his hand.

"I fought with you!"

Zhang Meng is a simple-minded person with well-developed limbs, he will not allow others to bully himself and his friends.

Yu Sin also clenched the beer bottle tightly.

The melee is imminent.

Suddenly, sirens blared loudly!

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The sound goes from far to near, and the speed is very fast.

Everyone's face changed.

"The police are here so fast!"

"Hurry up and go!!"

Those who were looking for trouble, after hearing the siren, turned around and ran without any hesitation.

Yu Sin turned his head and looked strangely at the direction the siren was coming from.

He also felt a little too fast.

Even if passers-by call the police right away, they can't come so quickly.

Although he was puzzled, he didn't want to stay any longer, and quickly left the food stall with a few others.

When the police car arrived, the place was empty.

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