Fang Ze still stood there, took out a cigarette and lit it.

Not long after, Tang Hui got out of the police car, looked around, and found Fang Ze.

He ran quickly.


Fang Ze nodded and said, "It's not too slow."

Tang Hui smiled and said, "It's not too far away."

After speaking, he looked at the crowd that hadn't dispersed and said, "What's the situation?"

Fang Ze took a puff of cigarette and said, "It's not a big deal. The people who participated in the training camp clashed with other street gangsters."


Tang Hui said in surprise: "Is there a relationship between the two?"

There are students on one side and gangsters on the other.

All this can create an intersection. Fang Ze smiled and said, "Some people like to play tricks of stealing chickens and dogs, and playing side balls."


Tang Hui blinked.

He guessed something, but didn't ask.

He was accustomed to obeying Fang Ze's orders and seldom said nonsense.

This is one of the reasons why Fang Ze admires him.

Strong execution.

"Do you remember the list?"

Fang Ze asked.

Tang Hui nodded and said, "I remember it all."


Fang Ze said: "Tomorrow, find someone to patrol nearby. If you find someone cheating, catch one and let them go."

"it is good."

Tang Hui nodded again.

He doesn't ask why.

Because he knew that Fang Ze must have a reason.

And for the right reasons.

Soon, Tang Hui took people away.

The surrounding crowd slowly dispersed.

Fang Ze took out his mobile phone and called Ma Peng.

"Hello squad."

Fang Ze: "Get ready for action tomorrow night."

Ma Peng: "Tomorrow Night"

"Fang team, what are they going to do tomorrow night?"

Fang Ze: "I don't know yet, it's definitely not a good thing."

"The time is almost here, and if we delay it any longer, I'm afraid that this kid Yu Sin will make an inch."

Ma Peng was silent for a while, then said: "Fang team, let him perform the task, is it really okay?"

Why does he feel that this guy is so unreliable.

A future quasi-police officer who cleans up some nonsense.

I can't control myself, how can I control others Fang Ze said with a smile: "Specialized person, dedicated."

Police officers who hate evil, obey the rules, and be honest are good, but they have limitations.

Many things cannot be done.

Don't talk about anything else, at least this one, no

: Let's not discuss it, no one can tell anyone anyway.

There are small probability events in the world, it is normal.

A living person is not perfect, let alone a dead one.

Right, don't take it seriously, please read the underlined version of the novel.

Chapter 491 Immortal dance? 【1】

Fang Ze returned to the provincial general control room.

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