"who are you"

"What did you do to An Jialu!"

The voice, at this moment, became: very excited.

It can be seen that he cares about An Jialu very much.

Ma Peng said with a smile: "It's nothing now, I won't know in a while."

"It's really rare to see such a beautiful girl."

"If I don't see [-] yuan tonight, maybe I will."

Yu Sin's face turned pale. He quickly said, "Wait a minute! I beg you not to touch her!"

"Isn't it just one hundred thousand? I'll give it to you, I'll give it to you!"

Ma Peng: "In an hour, at the entrance of the North Bridge, bring money."

"If you dare to call the police or take others, I guarantee you will regret it!"

After speaking, the phone hung up instantly.

Yu Xun was alone, standing in a daze, with a cold sweat on his face.

Not scared, but worried about An Jialu's safety.

He hurriedly threw away the phone and ran to the table.

"Give me all your money, hurry up!!"

Yu Sin held out his hand tremblingly.

"I have no money"

"What's wrong, Yu'er"

Yu Sin said angrily: "Don't ask! Give me the money!"

Everyone was startled, and quickly got up and handed all the money on them to Yu Sin.

Zhou Wenjuan noticed something was wrong, and quickly said, "What's wrong?"

Yu Sin didn't speak, pointed at the crowd and said, "Wait for me here, don't go anywhere!"

After he finished speaking, he turned around and left the place quickly.

A few people were left looking at each other, not knowing what was going on.

Fifty minutes later.

Yu Sin came to the place Ma Peng said.

He didn't call anyone or call the police.

Because he was really afraid that the other party would be bad for An Jialu.

Concern is chaos, that's it.

But not enough for [-].

In such a short period of time, it was impossible for him to collect [-].

He just wanted to be alone and entangled with each other.

Even if you can't save people, it's good to buy more time.

The bridge hole in front was pitch black, Yu Sin took a deep breath, touched the dagger at his waist, and walked forward.

"Did you bring the money?"

The voice suddenly sounded, from the front.

Yu Sin couldn't see clearly, but he could see the outline and knew there was someone there.

"Where's An Jialu?"

Yu Sin said solemnly.

"Paying money with one hand and letting people go with the other."

"I don't know the rules"

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Chapter 493 Yu Xian Was Caught [1]

Under the bridge, the two faced off.

Facing the man's attitude, Yu Sin took a deep breath and said, "I need to confirm An Jialu's safety!"

"what about her"

The man was silent for a while, then suddenly turned on the flashlight.

In the corner of the wall, An Jialu was leaning quietly, her eyes closed.

"An An!"

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