After seeing An Jialu, Yu Sin's expression changed, and he wanted to step forward.

The man's speed was faster than him, and he directly drew the knife and placed it on An Jialu's neck.

"Brother, don't worry."

"Give the money and you can take her away."

The man spoke indifferently.

Yu Xun quickly stopped, not daring to move.

Right now, he has no way to save people.

"Don't touch her!"

There was anxiety and panic in Yu Sin's voice.

He really cares about this girl.

The man held the knife and said, "I'll ask again, where is the money?"


Yu Sin gritted his teeth, glanced at An Jialu, and said solemnly, "In such a short period of time, I really can't get enough of [-]."

"Please give me a few more days of grace!"

Hearing this, the man's face instantly sank.

He said coldly: "So, you didn't bring any money"

"kidding me"

While speaking, the blade in his hand moved closer to An Jialu.

It looks like it's about to be drawn.

"Wait a second! Don't be impulsive!"

Yu Sin's face suddenly turned pale, and he spoke in a panic.

This kind of thing happened in the training camp, which was completely unexpected to him.

If possible, he really needs the help of the ministry right now.

But without knowing the enemy, he was afraid that the opponent would tear up the vote, which would be detrimental to An Jialu.

He didn't dare to gamble.

The man was obviously very angry, and said coldly: "I hate when others lie to me."

"You know the consequences are serious!"

"I think you should collect corpses for your friends!"

The voice fell, and the man raised his dagger, seemingly intending to hurt someone.

After seeing the man's actions, Yu Sin's face changed greatly.

He didn't care about anything else, he rushed up with a stride, and at the same time pulled out the dagger from his waist.

The two soon scuffled together.

At a certain moment, the man groaned, tilted his head and fell back, just hitting the stone.

He did not stand up.

It seemed that he passed out due to the violent impact.

Yu Sin didn't even care about his life, he immediately picked up An Jialu by the waist, and quickly left the place.

He took a car down the road and returned to the rental house.

I didn't tell anyone halfway through.

He didn't want those people to know about this kind of thing.

Putting An Jialu on the bed carefully, Yu Sin breathed a sigh of relief.

After staring at An Jialu for a while, he left the room.

But not long after he left, a few policemen appeared out of nowhere, and directly pressed him to the ground without any politeness.

"Don't move!"

"do not move!"

Kacha! Yu Sin's hands were handcuffed.

"What are you doing!"

"Why arrest me!"

Yu Xun's face was bewildered, and he spoke angrily.

"be honest!"

"You'll know when you go in!"

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